Chapter 34

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"It's been 2 days since the hunting event...but why is Leni calling for me all of the sudden?" Aderi thought as she walked down the hallway to get to her stepmother who was in the guest audience room.

"What the hell does she want from me?" Aderi thought as she knocked on the door, she was curious about what her stepmother is gonna say to her but also nervous since this woman is a devil in disguise.

"Come in" Leni replied from the other side. Aderi opened the door and saw Leni sipping her tea. Leni diverted her gaze from her teacup to Aderi who was at the door.

"Sit down," She said in an almost ordering tone. Aderi closed the door behind her when she entered the room, Leni was observing Aderi as she walked towards the couch in front of Leni.

"Why did you call for me, duchess?" Aderi asked getting to the point as soon as she sat down. Leni let out a small smile as she put down her tea cup at the small table in front of her.

"Well...there isn't an official announcement yet, but I'm sure the king will find a wife for his sons soon," Leni said starting the conversation as she crossed her arms and leaned backward on the couch.

"So? Why are you telling me this?" Aderi asked also crossing her arms. Aderi wasn't amused to see her dear stepmother, so as much as possible she wants to get out of there as soon as she can.

"All I am saying is...compete with the other ladies, do you know the benefits of being the wife of one of the princes?" Leni asked smiling at Aderi, she knew Aderi knows what her real intention is behind these words, and that is..."Be the crown princess"

"I don't care about such things...I am not like any other ladies, I don't want to marry one of the princes" Aderi said firmly, she stood up from the couch and looked Leni straight in the eyes.

"If this is all you want to tell me, I'll be going first," Aderi said with a glare as she turned to the door walking towards it.

"Such a shame...the two princes seem to be attracted to you, yet you are not paying them any attention," Leni said trying to provoke and guilt trip Aderi. But this Aderi isn't the one in the novel, she knows what Leni is like. A person hiding more than just a secret.

"That girl...the daughter of Baron Duncan," Leni said mentioning Ari. Aderi who was gonna grab the door handle stopped.

"Don't you think she is using your title to be one with the prince?" Leni asked with a visible smirk that Aderi cannot see since has her back turned to Leni.

"Lady Ari isn't like that, I would appreciate it if you don't badmouth her," Aderi said defending her dearest friend from her stepmother. Leni's smirk widened when Aderi reacted, since in her mind Aderi can be persuaded by mentioning her dearest friend.

"I'm just saying..." Leni said with a teasing tone. Aderi grabbed the handle but before she can open it Leni opened up her mouth again to speak.

"So...why don't you sabotage her? bad mouth her to the prince so she won't take advantage of you...she is also beautiful, don't you think she will also seduce one of the princes?" Leni asked still smiling, Aderi turned around to face Leni with a glare in her eyes.

"Lady Ari is indeed beautiful and can get any man she wants," Aderi replied agreeing with what Leni said but stopping for a moment to catch her breath. Why did she agree with Leni's statement? In the novel, Ari was the second most beautiful person in the kingdom.

Leni smiled since Aderi agreed with her, but she thought Aderi was getting jealous now, her thought is very far from what Aderi was gonna say next.

"But...Lady Ari isn't like that, she is kindhearted, sweet, charming, supportive, and more, stop assuming things about people that you don't know, She isn't a scheming witch like you" Aderi said defending Ari, Leni's jaw dropped as she gripped her hands together tightly.

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