Chapter 35

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Aderi opened her eyes and looked to the side and saw her father standing at a closed balcony door. He was just there standing and he looked like he was spacing out. Aderi momentarily looked around and noticed it wasn't her room. She looked back at her father and called out to him.

"Father..." she said calling to his father. Thomas who was spacing out quickly turned around.

" are awake!" Thomas said with an excited and relieved tone as he rushed to Aderi.

"Are you alright? do you feel hurt anywhere?" Thomas asked with a worried look as he held Aderi's hand and sat down on the side of the bed next to his daughter.

"I'm...fine, I guess" Aderi answered not sure of her answer, she shifted her gaze from her father to the room. Thomas got her hint and opened up his mouth.

"you will stay here for now...since your room is a mess and currently being investigated, don't worry we will find who sent that assassin," Thomas said reassuring his daughter with a small smile. Aderi nodded and started checking the corners.

the door was locked, so was the balcony and only her and Thomas were inside. She looked back at Thomas.

"Father...I have a question" Aderi said as her gaze turned into a serious one.

"what is it?" Thomas asked curious about what her daughter is about to ask, he memorized all of what the doctor told him so he was prepared to answer everything Aderi wants to know about her condition.

"Do you hate me because I look like my mother?" Aderi asked looking straight into Thomas's eyes. Thomas got speechless for a moment, he didn't expect this kind of question, he expected Aderi to ask about her condition.

"No...and to be honest I don't intend on hurting you, I only planned on ignoring you so if word got out people would think it'll be useless to use you against me," Thomas said explaining himself again to his daughter, he looked down guilty of what he had done to his daughter, he knew he was wrong but he too is confused why he said those things to her and slap her. Aderi knew he was telling the truth, after all, she knows what caused this.

"Then...why did you hurt me physically?" Aderi asked again hitting the guilt of his father. Thomas looked so guilty but Aderi needed her father to feel this guilt about what she is gonna reveal to him.

"To be honest with you Aderi...I also don't know, I feel like another me is taking over whenever I see you back then...I was always angry at you for no reason, and to be foolish at that, I used your mother as an excuse, I cannot explain my actions Aderi" Thomas said as he held his daughter's hand tighter. he looked back at Aderi, he was so confused with his emotions and he didn't want Aderi to think this was some kind of excuse, even a doctor would think he is a lunatic or making up stories.

"would you believe me if I told you Leni is using black magic on you?" Aderi asked with a piercing gaze as she and Thomas made eye contact. Thoma's eyes widen and his grip softens.

"A-aderi...I know you hate Leni accuse her like that? I don't think it's right" Thomas said trying to defend his wife.

"I have evidence, Father...Viscount Jake and his highness Caelias have the evidence," Aderi said, this time she was the one who held her father's hand. Thomas frowned confused.

"A-aderi...I don't get what you mean-- the viscount? his highness? what do they know?" Thomas asked confused about what his daughter is telling him. Thomas tried getting up but Aderi held onto his arm.

"Think about it Father...why did your feelings suddenly change towards me that day the duchess came back from her vacation when you drank the tea that she prepared...what happened after you drank it?" Aderi asked looking straight into Thomas's eyes. He looks so confused and scared right now as if winter has come early. He was shivering in fear.

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