Chapter 6

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Aderi was sleeping when she was woken up by the door opening and then slamming.

"You, wake up!" Her father said Aderi opened her eyes to look at her father before closing her eyes again.

"You brat, I said to wake up!" Her father said as he walked closer to Aderi.

"What do you want now, Father?" Aderi asked but she said the 'father' part sarcastically.

"You!--" her father said as he lift his hands to slap Aderi, but someone cleared their throat making Aderi's father stop.

"Duke Callista, what did the Duke and Duchess Lacita say about hitting the lady?" Someone asked, Aderi opened her eyes and saw a man in the doorway. Aderi's father sighed in frustration before crossing his arms. Aderi sat up and looked at the man.

"Good morning m'lady, sorry to interrupt your slumber," the man in the doorway said as he bowed to Aderi. Aderi waved her hand and shook her head.

"It's alright, you may lift your head," Aderi said with a gentle smile, a 'tsk' can be heard from Aderi's father. But she chooses to ignore her father's rude remarks.

"You might not know me since I'm the new butler of the Lacita family, my father retired a few days ago and I'm inheriting my father's title as the butler." the man in the doorway said with a smile.

"Allow me to formally address myself, m'lady. I am Luke John Ortiz, the current head butler of the Lacita's" The man said as he bowed introducing himself.

"It's nice meeting you Sir Luke" Aderi smiled, Luke's eyes widen, and waved his hands in front of his face in a panic.

"P-please m'lady just call me Luke, how can a mere commoner like me be called 'sir' by a daughter of a duke and duchess!" Luke said in a hurry, his voice trembling from nervousness. Aderi giggled.

"Luke it is then" Aderi smiled, and Luke nodded.

"Ah! I forgot why I'm here! Ahem-- so duke and duchess Lacita is gonna take you for a week" Luke said announcing why he is here, Aderi's eyes widen in shock.

"Are you serious?" Aderi asked, Luke, smiled happily and nodded.

"Yes! Please pack your stuff and get ready, a carriage will be waiting for you, no need to rush m'lady. The maids will help you" Luke said smiling, Aderi smiled happily and nodded.

"I'll be taking my leave now, I'll wait for you m'lady at the carriage," Luke said with a smile as he opened the door before bowing and leaving closing the door behind him.

"You must be since you won't receive your 3-day punishment, tsk! Their daughter is already dead and yet they still try to entangle themselves with the Callista" her father said glaring at Aderi as he crossed his arms angrily.

"And the one they try to get is the one who killed their daughter" Aderi's father rolled his eyes as he let out an irritated sigh.

"Grandma and grandfather know that childbirth and death cannot be blamed on the child" Aderi talked back as she looked at her father with tired eyes, Aderi's father rolled his eyes before going out the door and slamming It behind him.

"Seriously that man is giving me a headache, this ain't a father, I don't even know his name, all I know is he is Duke Callista...seriously why did the novel just address him as Aderi's father, all I know is he is an unknown man," Aderi said complaining as she held her head from a headache all this trouble are giving her.

A knock can be heard on the door, Aderi looked up.

"Come in!" Aderi said, the door opened and she was greeted by the maids, once the door was closed the 12 maids kneeled on the ground and bowed their heads.

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