Chapter 10

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[3 years later]

Three years have passed. Aderi and Caelias have grown closer as they grew taller. Caelias would often go to Aderi in broad daylight to hang out with her. He was able to do this since the Duke practically doesn't care about Aderi, there was no security to guard her.

On the other hand, It wasn't just Caelias and Aderi who grew closer. Aderi and Lucas also became closer to each other.

Whenever Aderi goes to the manor of Lacita's, she would always meet Lucas, he was easy to find. He is often found in the garden or the garden's pavilion, Where she and Lucas first met.

There wasn't much progress with her and the Duke, Aderi often goes out to go to the Lacita or just stays in her room to prevent them from seeing each other.


Right now, in the current time, Aderi is standing in the mirror fixing her hair. The maids right now are downstairs resolving everything. Aderi told them that she would fix her hair for today. She is getting ready to have lunch with her grandparents.

"Going somewhere, are we?" Aderi heard a voice from behind her, Aderi smiled happily and looked behind to the opened balcony door.

"Cael!" Aderi said happily, she was greeted by Cael's smiling face.

"So where are you going?" Cael asked as he walked towards Aderi. When he was in front of Aderi he ruffled Aderi's hair.

"HEY! I JUST FIXED IT!" Aderi yelled, Cael took his hand off as he chuckled. Aderi looked at Cael with a disappointed look.

"So where are you going?" Cael asked again. Aderi took off the ribbon that was holding her hair in a high ponytail since she needs to redo it after a certain someone messed it up.

"To my grandparents, they invited me to eat lunch!" Aderi answered without looking at Cael indicating she was still mad.

"Still angry?" Cael asked as he watched Aderi brush her hair. Aderi was looking at the mirror not even sharing a glance at Cael.

"Let me brush your hair to make up for what I did," Cael said as he also looked into the mirror, but he was looking at Aderi's reflection since Aderi's back is facing him.

"You might mess it up even more! you don't know how hard it is to put your hair in a high ponytail using a ribbon," Aderi said, Cael was still looking at Aderi's reflection and he knew that Aderi is still clearly angry, he cracked a small smile looking at Aderi's angry expression in the mirror.

Cael walks away from the mirror for a moment. He grabbed a chair and placed it behind Aderi.

"Sit down," Cael said as he forcefully made Aderi sit. Aderi on the other hand was stunned by Cael's action.

"I'll take this," Cael said as he took the brush from Aderi's hand.

"The ponytail doesn't suit you," Cael said as he started brushing Aderi's hair. Aderi's jaw dropped and quickly turned to Cael.

"I thought you were making it up to me for what you did!?" Aderi asked as she tried to snatch the hairbrush from Cael's hands, but he lifted it in the air, even if she stood up and tried grabbing it, Cael was much taller than Aderi.

"I am, I'm just giving my honest opinion," Cael said with a smile, Aderi glared at Cael before looking back at the mirror. Cael continued brushing Aderi's hair.

"So what hairstyle do you think would suit me then?" Aderi asked as she looked at Cael's reflection in the mirror in front of them.

"I prefer you with your hair down, or a half up and half down hairstyle, maybe even in a bun, just something with a volume would suit you" Cael replied.

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