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It's finally Dahyun's free day after having a stressful schedule for weeks. However, her members are still not done with theirs, so Dahyun is alone in the dorm, listening to music on her bed. What better way to spend a free day than to just lay in bed all day, right?

But it's extra enjoyable for Dahyun. The reason for that is because she's listening to a very special playlist. It's the playlist that she sat down hours for, precisely filling it up with songs that remind her of her lovable girlfriend.

Momo has been taking up her mind a lot lately, more than she normally would. And when she's listening to that playlist, she always rewinds to the moments they've had together, just like a movie.

The way Momo never misses the opportunity to tuck Dahyun's hair behind her ear, getting it out of her face. It makes Dahyun get so insecure at first, but when she sees how Momo gazes at her adoringly while doing it, as if she's the most precious thing in the world, all of her worries vanish. The younger one also notices Momo slightly turning her head to the side, getting a better view of Dahyun, and oh, how Dahyun loves it every single time.

The way Momo is always there to guide Dahyun no matter what. Momo always holds her hand out for the younger one to hold when they have to pass through a big crowd. That alone makes Dahyun so shy, but what could she do when Momo never lets go of her hand even after they step out of the crowd? It's only natural for her to turn into a blushing mess. But her favorite part is when Momo always pretends to not realize that they're still holding hands.

The two girls have hobbies that the other person isn't really interested in. For example, Dahyun loves archery, but Momo doesn't. Momo loves going to the gym, but Dahyun doesn't. That's why Momo always invites someone else from the group to join her. She knows she wouldn't enjoy it as much if she had Dahyun join her unwillingly and get bored halfway through.

However, Momo always asks if she can go with Dahyun whenever the younger one goes out to archery. And she actually always participates in it instead of watching Dahyun. The way Momo would go anywhere with Dahyun even if the older one isn't quite interested.

And Dahyun's favorite memory. When Dahyun and Momo first became roommates, the other girls pulled a prank on them. To this day, Momo and Dahyun still don't know why they were the victims, but they're not complaining since it left a very sweet memory behind. Jeongyeon had planned to draw on Dahyun and Momo's faces when they were sleeping. Of course, the other girls found that to be a nice idea and insisted on joining Jeongyeon. So, one night, they quietly stepped into the two girls room. They're lucky that Momo and Dahyun are both deep sleepers because the members covered the sleeping girls' faces in silly doodles before leaving the room.

And when Dahyun and Momo woke up in the morning, they couldn't stop laughing at each other. They started describing the doodles on each other's faces. However, when there was only one doodle left on Dahyun's face to explain, Momo suddenly gave her a soft peck on the lips. Dahyun froze and stared at Momo with a flushed look. Then, Momo explained to her that Dahyun's lips were circled and someone had written "Kiss here" with an arrow pointing towards the lips. That had been the first ever kiss for both of them, even if it was just a quick one.

Dahyun's thoughts get interrupted with the door opening. Seems like Momo is the first one to come back home from her schedule. Dahyun quickly stops the music and shoves her phone and headphones into the pocket of her hoodie.

"Dahyuni! God, I'm so tired," Momo throws herself onto the bed with a deep sigh, "I missed you. What are you doing? I called your name when I came, but you didn't reply."

"Welcome back, darling! I was just watching a movie, so I guess I didn't hear you. How was your day?"

Momo tells her how the shooting went, what she ate, and so on. However, Momo kept stealing glances at Dahyun's sweater the entire time. At some point, Dahyun even started to think that she got her sweater dirty and there's a spot.

"And yeah, that's pretty much all I did today. Oh, and, is that hoodie new? It looks comfy!"

"No, it's not really new, I just never wore it," Dahyun says as she watches Momo's eyes. "Do you want it?"

And she was right, because Momo quickly nods with excitement in her eyes like a little puppy, which makes Dahyun melt at how adorable her girlfriend can be.

"Okay, you can have it, but only with one exception. I get to have yours!"

With that, they both take their tops off and exchange them. However, as soon as they put them on, Nayeon comes back home too, as loud as ever.

"Momo! You're back too, I saw your shoes. Could you help me carry these bags? Gosh, I bought so many things!" Nayeon calls out from the hallway.

After thanking Dahyun for the comfortable sweater, Momo rushes to help Nayeon.

As soon as Momo leaves, Dahyun pulls her new shirt up to her face. The smell of the older one fills up her nose, making an uncontrollable smile form on her lips. For some time, she gives it her best to take in all of the comforting smell, scared of it fading away.

Nayeon gets in the shower as Momo finishes carrying the bags up to Nayeon's room. Momo drops onto the bed to catch her breath. However, when she reaches into the pocket of the hoodie, her hand hits something. She pulls it out to be met with Dahyun's phone and her headphones plugged in. Immediately, an idea comes to her mind. She wants to take a few silly pictures before handing it back to Dahyun. So, she unlocks the phone, but she forgets about her plan when she spots her name on the screen.

A playlist named after her.

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