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"Ah, this is bad. This is really really bad." Mina sighs.

She is restlessly pacing around the table in the living room with her hands on her hips, shaking her head continuously. There's no one else in the room, yet she keeps ranting to herself. Looks like something is going severely wrong.

"I have to do something!" she says as she finally stops walking, throwing her head back with another sigh.

"What's wrong, Mina?"

Dahyun enters the living room with a bag of chips in her hand, munching away as she takes place on the couch. Mina doesn't reply, instead, she is tapping her foot against the floor.

"Hey! Stop that, it's annoying!" Dahyun scolds her before grabbing her by the arm and pulling her down onto the couch. "Now tell me what you're so stressed about."

Mina snatches the bag from Dahyun before shoving a handful of chips into her mouth, letting crumbs fall all over her lap. Then, she leans back, and again, throws her head back in frustration.

"It's about Momo unnie," she says with a full mouth.

"First of all, finish eating before talking. And what about her?" Dahyun asks, suddenly in a much more serious tone.

"I've noticed that she hasn't properly slept for days. I'm so worried."

After hearing that, Dahyun lets out a long, loud sigh, and grabs the bag back from Mina, who is still chewing. Then, Dahyun stands up.

"Go and wash your hand, it's all oily now! And don't worry, I'll talk talk to her. Is she in her room?"

Mina nods before standing up and walking out of the room while licking her fingers. Meanwhile, Dahyun folds the chips bag and leaves it on the table before making her way upstairs, to Momo and Jeongyeon's room.

She knocks three times before slowly opening the door. First, she opens it only by a little, just enough to see the bed and the night lamp. But when she can't spot neither Momo or Jeongyeon in there, she opens it wider to be met with someone sitting on the balcony alone.

She guesses that it's Jeongyeon at first, as it's already dark outside and she can't properly see. But when she walks closer, it's clear that the person is Momo. It seems like she's in her pajamas, just watching the cars drive by.

The balcony door is already wide open, so not wanting to startle Momo, Dahyun quietly walks behind the older one and gently puts a hand on her shoulder. Although, Momo still gets a little surprised and instantly looks up at her.

"Ah, you scared me." Momo chuckles, taking Dahyun's hand from her shoulder and gently dragging the younger one to the chair next to her. "Come sit."

Dahyun does as she wants, sitting down while intertwining their fingers. She watches as Momo looks forward again, her eyes following every car that passes by. The older one's red eyes with dark eyebags under them certainly don't go unseen by Dahyun. That's why she starts caressing Momo's hand with her thumb, getting ready to confront her about it.

"Unnie, have you been sleeping fine lately?"

Momo stays quiet at first, and Dahyun waits patiently, until, eventually, the older one lets her head drop low.

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