A Better Boyfriend

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Dahyun can't believe her luck at seeing Momo here. The dress Momo is wearing nicely shows the curves of her body. Dahyun loves her body. The lights of the club cast shadows on Momo's face, but even from the distance, Dahyun can see that she's upset. Sana, who is right beside Momo, tries to tell Momo something, but gives up when the girl doesn't even look up from her phone.

The music is loud, an annoying tune blasts through the speakers. All that Dahyun wants to do is go home and huddle up on the couch with a sweet cup of ice cream. She's not sure why she came to this party, it's not her scene. Though seeing Momo there, all gorgeous and perfect, she's glad she came.

Everyone else in the club is either dancing or drinking, but not Momo. She's stubbornly looking at her phone with her brows creased as if expecting something. Even when Sana walks away later, she barely notices.

Dahyun notes that there are no signs of Momo's boyfriend. He's nowhere near her, and by the look on her face, she must be mad at him. This must be divine intervention, because when Momo looks up, her eyes clash with Dahyun's. What is she going to do now that she has Momo's attention? Is she going to speak softly in her ear? Or perhaps buy her a drink?

Dahyun knows she can be a better boyfriend than him. She can make Momo laugh, do the world a favor by fishing that beautiful laugh out of Momo's mouth. She can treat Momo the way she deserves to be treated, she would never leave the girl alone at a party. Maybe Dahyun should approach Momo, take her hand in her own, and smoothly lead her to the dance floor. Or maybe she should whisper in Momo's ear all the things that she feels for her and never dared to say out loud. You don't need that lousy boyfriend, I would be better for you.

Dahyun knows Momo well enough to know that all it takes is an opportunity. The boyfriend has made enough mistakes, Momo is already tired of him. If Dahyun approaches Momo, it won't take long to steal her from him. Dahyun could give Momo all the love that he has never. She could grab Momo's hand and take her out of here. She could murmur sweet words in her ear, maybe hold her close, something he never does. Dahyun wouldn't make Momo wait for her all night. Girls know girls better, she could be a better boyfriend than him.

Dahyun's gaze doesn't break from Momo's and with an eyebrow raise from the younger one, Momo approaches her. It won't take long to take Momo from him, especially with the way Momo is walking towards Dahyun with a smile so bright, the younger one almost melts. Eyes locked and goosebumps triggered, the distance between them slowly decreases. Dahyun only notices how she's holding the glass in her hand a little too crooked when the drink inside spills a little, but their eye contact never breaks. It won't take long to take you from him, Dahyun thinks.

Dahyun isn't exactly sure when her relationship with Momo shifted from staring at the gorgeous dancer for hours to her lying to her roommates about sleeping over at her parents house so she can spend the night with Momo. She isn't sure when the staring turned into flirting, or when the flirting became mutual, or why Momo ditched her boyfriend in the first place. Regardless, the night's events circle through Dahyun's mind endlessly; the smell of expensive cologne and floral perfume, the taste of beer on her tongue meshing with strawberry lip gloss.

The change, Dahyun supposes, happened that night, after Momo approached her. Somewhere in the middle of the flirting, dancing, and drinking, Momo actually kissed her. She kissed Dahyun in the middle of the club, in front everybody, but no one seems to have seen them through the crazy lights. Dahyun kissed her back without any hesitation. So it was Momo who made the first move even though Dahyun was planning to.

Now, several hours later, Dahyun continues to kiss her back. They are in the closest hotel they were able to find, on a mattress that feels rock-hard, but they just can't get themselves to care as they're too occupied. Dahyun is hovering over Momo as she runs her hands through Momo's hair in a way that is making Momo feel like she is melting while they kiss. Momo is holding onto Dahyun's shoulders as an attempt to keep herself together beneath Dahyun.

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