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Dahyun squeals, dashing under her blanket. She knows that she is acting like she is twelve, but she can't help it. Not only is a terrible storm raging outside, but the other members are out shopping. Well, almost all. In fact, it would have been better if they were all gone, but her girlfriend remains at the apartment with her.

Momo insisted on practicing for her "Hit The Stage" performance, even without her backup dancers. That just shows how dedicated she is. Even though she has been wanting to go shopping for some new shoes, maybe a hat or scarf as well, she has priorities.

The others complained and begged her to come with. They begged Dahyun too, but Dahyun simply wanted to be in her bed during the storm. She is terrified of being in a car, swerving left and right in the rain, lightning blinding the driver. She shudders just thinking about it.

Her fear only intensifies as the lights suddenly begin to flicker. Poor Dahyun doesn't want Momo to think she is a crybaby even though she knows the older one would immediately try to comfort her and help her overcome her fear. It is one of the rare times where it's just her and Momo together, so she wants Momo to think highly of her.

The lights blink one last time before shutting off completely. The air conditioner stops, Momo's practice music stops, the fridge stops, everything just stops. The only thing she can hear is thunder and the only thing she can see are flashes of lightning. She whines and squishes up to the wall.

Soon, she hears a knock at the door, but she's not planning on letting the intruder enter any time soon. She truly doesn't want Momo to walk in on her squirming and crying over a storm. Immature is how the younger one thinks of herself. Still, after another knock, Dahyun slides out from under the blanket, crawls over to the door and opens it by a small crack.

"Hi," Dahyun says. Although she tries hiding the fear in her voice, she's aware that she's not doing a good job at it.

"Hm, is my little baby scared?" Momo chuckles.

A flash of lightning lights up Momo's face, letting Dahyun see the way her eyes glimmers and the small beads of sweat on her forehead. Must be the result of an intense practice session.

"I am not," Dahyun sulks and shuts the door. Just as soon as she shuts it, it opens again.

"It's okay if you're scared, but..." Momo reaches in to caress Dahyun's hair, "...there's really nothing to be afraid of. If you wanna watch the storm with me, it might help you get over your fear."

Dahyun is conflicted. She knows that if she does watch the storm with Momo to get over her fear, the older one will bring it up at every opportunity she can. So, she continues to sit on the floor, not looking up to meet Momo's gaze. Dahyun needs time to think. She needs comfort, but thinks it's better to overcome her fear on her own, because she's not a little kid that needs parenting anymore. But suddenly, the door gets forced open and she feels a hand grip her arm and pull her up.

"Geez, stop sulking. Storms really aren't that bad. They can be kinda pretty if you ask me."

Lightning flashes once again and Dahyun catches a glimpse of the older one's face just before she gets pulled out of the room. Momo brings Dahyun to the living room, where she was practicing. She effortlessly moves the couch to face out the big window and makes Dahyun sit. Momo sits next to her and puts her arm around the girl shaking with fear. She hugs Dahyun closer, causing her to calm down, if only a little.

"Are you okay? I didn't realize you were this scared," Momo asks in worry.

Lightning flashes so brightly, that it blinds the two girls. But just as tears fall from Dahyun's eyes and she thinks Momo won't notice, an especially loud thunder clap makes her scream. She buries her face in Momo's neck while gripping her shirt so hard that it nearly rips against her fingernails. Dahyun's body is almost vibrating in fear and she knows she can't seem tough in front of Momo anymore. Right when she thinks Momo is going to make fun of her, the older girl does the opposite.

Momo grabs a blanket sitting on the arm of the couch and warps it around Dahyun. Immediately, Dahyun snuggles into Momo's warm embrace, no longer caring if Momo sees her as a scaredy-cat or not. All she knows is that she is terrified.

"Momo," Dahyun whimpers, pulling at the girl's shirt again, "Please help."

"Dahyuni," Momo whispers to the girl crumbling into a mess next to her, "it'll be okay. Storms can't hurt you. They're the same as sharks and wolves. As long as you respect them and their power, you won't get hurt."

As Dahyun nods, Momo plants a few kisses on her cheek. "And even if storms were dangerous, I'd protect you."

Dahyun's heart skips a beat with Momo's sweet words. Hearing Momo say that she'd protect her makes her feel like she is melting in her spot. It's not the first time Momo has said something like that, but Dahyun always gets a new, exciting feeling every time it happens.

"Hey, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Momo chuckles. "If you're really that scared, we can go back to our room. We could watch a drama, or maybe a Disney movie?"

Dahyun just shakes her head, not moving from Momo's neck. She would love to watch a movie together with Momo, but now is not the time for that. Lightning flashes again and she braces herself for thunder.

"Unnie," she whimpers, grabbing at any bit of Momo she can.

"Come on, we're going to the room."

Momo scoops up the younger girl as lightning flashes once more. However, this time, the girls can see the bolt itself. Momo rushes the younger girl to their room and lays her down on the bed before immediately joining her. They're facing each other as Momo pulls the blanket over them, including their heads.

"What do you wanna watch?" Momo asks while pulling out her phone and going on Netflix. She's aware that it's going to be hard to breathe under the blanket, but she knows from past occurrences that it makes Dahyun feel safe.

"If it's okay... could you just hug me?"

"Of course I can."

Momo wraps her legs and arms around Dahyun, almost trapping her in an embrace. They look into each other eyes, one filled with fear while the other one is filled with adoration. Momo sneaks her hand underneath Dahyun's shirt to rub her waist gently. She also leaves tender kisses onto Dahyun's cheek every now and then, receiving little murmurs from her (even though Dahyun is totally enjoying it).

"What's with the whining? You're the one who almost ripped my shirt off earlier and I didn't say anything!" Momo laughs at the thought of her shirt being stretched out due to Dahyun.

"Hey! I was scared, okay?"

Dahyun tries to turn the other way, but that just makes Momo hold onto her even tighter even though Dahyun would have eventually turned back around at another struck of thunder. A few minutes pass with their bodies intertwined, just enjoying each other's warmth. Fortunately, the thunder seems to have calmed down and only the calming sound of rain is heard.

Momo knows that Dahyun is already asleep by the way her soft snores have started. It's one of her favorite feelings, having Dahyun fall asleep in her arms, which is why she can't hold back on placing one last kiss onto the younger one's lips before closing her eyes too.

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