I Got You

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Dahyun tries to catch up to Momo, who ran out of their car as soon as Dahyun pulled up to the parking lot. Momo hurries straight to the elevator before Dahyun can even turn the engine off. Full of worry, Dahyun locks the car and rushes off after Momo. However, Momo is already inside the closing elevator, so Dahyun takes a quick glance at the stairs before preparing herself for the climb. Her head is pounding, but she has to get to Momo fast.

When Dahyun reaches the seventh floor, she is able to catch a glimpse of Momo closing their apartment door. Ignoring her burning lungs, she presses the code in with trembling fingers and follows.

She spots Momo wiping her eyes while walking into their bedroom and slamming the door shut. Sensing that she should be patient and gentle with the poor girl, Dahyun calms her breathing a little and walks towards their room. Her heart starts aching when she hears Momo's sobs echoing from inside.

Dahyun knocks on the door. "Honey?"

Dahyun is holding back her own tears. Hearing Momo's sobs breaks her heart into what feels like thousands of sharp pieces, stabbing into her. She leans her head against the door with a soft thud.

"I'm sorry for what happened. You don't deserve this," she says.

Momo cries harder after hearing Dahyun's voice. Dahyun was there when she had to listen to her dog's last few painful whimpers. The dog that she loves so much, so much to the point where she would sacrifice a piece of herself for him in a heartbeat.

There has not been a single day where Boo failed at comforting Momo, causing a smile on her face. There has not been a single day that Momo didn't think of Boo the second she finished the schedules where she wasn't able to bring him with. But now, he is unfortunately gone, leaving a blue owner behind.

The doctors had been hinting at it for a while, but Momo ignored it. Well, she always wished that there was something that could make her stop ignoring it, but there wasn't. The illness Boo had was nothing ordinary, nothing with a cure. So the only thing left for Momo to do was to shower the puppy in the love he deserved until time eventually ran out.

When the unfortunate first occurred, she didn't tell her members about it, because she knew how they would react. They would have travelled from hospital to hospital, even in other countries, asking every single person with a white coat if they can heal Boo. She also knew that they would have never left her alone, instead followed her around to make sure she is doing fine. Especially Dahyun, who would have literally done anything for her. That's why she decided to not tell them.

But today, the hospital that Boo was staying at decided to blow up on her during practice, right when all the members were there. The person on the phone was so straightforward about something Momo is so overly sensitive about. That's why she turned into a stuttering, sobbing mess that collapsed into Dahyun's arms. She isn't sure who, but one of the girls took the phone from her to ask the doctor what was happening. Thinking about it makes the tears come even more.

After hearing Dahyun's soft voice, Momo wants to be close to her, but at the same time, she wants to be left alone for a while, a few hours, or maybe even a few days. She feels guilty too, as she lied to Dahyun as well. The time when Dahyun had asked her why Boo was not in their apartment anymore, Momo told her that he will be staying at a Petsitter, since their schedules were quite hectic and someone had to look after Boo.

"Baby, please open the door. I'm sorry," Dahyun pleads.

Here Dahyun is, apologizing even though she is not the reasoning of the current situation. In fact, it's no one's fault, and Momo knows that, but it's only natural for her to be feeling sorrowful.

Momo gets up from their bed and walks towards the door. She leans against it and slides to the floor as tears keep falling from her swollen eyes. Momo just cannot stop crying. She hears Dahyun's body slide down the other side of the door to join her.

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