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"The American superstore. One-stop shopping for everything you could ever want or need. Do you want to be thinner? Fatter? Happier? Sadder? Are you looking for friendship? Or solitude? Or even love?"

"Garret?" You asked, leaning back to look at him, still sat comfortably on the edge of the customer service counter.

"Yes doll?" You rolled your eyes at the sarcasm that laced his words.

"Don't you think that was a tad dramatic for a morning announcement? It's only 7am."


"That's actually a cubic zirconia knockoff. It's called PlastiClear." You heard Amy say as you made your way towards the jewellery counter, your break has just ended and Amy had agreed to cover for you while you went on it.

"What happened to the $8 ones?" You heard a... familiar voice complain.

"We're all sold out of those, sorry. But this one's only $2 more!" Amy was trying her hardest to just sell the $10 ring.

"I get it. You advertise the cheap jewellery to get the suckers in the door, then you push the expensive stuff." The man who you'd now confirmed to be Bo sighed, accepting that he'd have to pay $10 for the ring.

" Well Bo, I wouldn't use the word "suckers" or "expensive"... or "jewellery"." You said, leaning your forearms onto the counter next to him.

"Fine. I got to stand in line for cigarettes anyhow." He sighed, snatching the ring out of Amy's hand before turning towards the checkout to find cigarettes.

"Great. I hope you and your fiancé are very happy together. And that you don't procreate." Amy muttered the last part under her breath, rolling her eyes at how long today had already felt.

"How do you even know that guy?" She asked, turning to face you as you now stood up from the counter.

"Oh Bo? He's Chey-" Amy cut you off, turning to face Glenn.

"Glenn?" She sighed, moving out from behind the jewellery counter, ushering you to take her place.

"Huh?" Glenn asked, completely clueless to what was going on, his clipboard help flimsily in his hand.

"I'm taking a mental-health break." She took off her vest, walking away hastily, presumably towards the break room.

"Okay. Have fun now. Reflect." Glenn absentmindedly turned around and continued whatever he was doing.

Ah, Monday's.


"It's fine, I work here. It's, like, my it's my job to help customers, so." Turning around the corner at the end of the isle, you were met with a tall stranger. You watched as he helped Amy pick up the toilet paper, you slipped off your vest and placed it on the shelf in front of you.

"You work here? Since when?" You asked, your face inches away from the dark haired man's as he had now stood up.

"Since right now. I'm, it's actually my first day." He had a bright smile and this glint in his eyes that told you he'd yet to be crushed by the ins and outs of customer service.

"Oh," your eyes met his and your smile was just as wide. With a quick glance to Amy you rose your eyebrows, her expression mirroring your own.

"I know. I don't seem like the kind of person who would work in a place like this." The mysterious stranger continued to pick up the packets of toilet paper off of the floor, you and Amy trying to assist him still despite his insistence not to.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now