Grand Reopening

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"I hope you all had an amazing vacation." Being back inside of the store was nothing like how you remembered it to be - however, that could've been due to all the dust-sheet-covered furniture and the builders still lingering around and completing odd jobs and ends.

"By "vacation," you mean the two months we were laid off without pay?" Garrett scoffed, as unhappy to be here as everyone else and possibly even more so. You'd definitely missed his Garrett-like charm.

"Uh-huh. Anyways, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching since the tornado, and..." Glenn was quickly cut off by the loud shout of one of the builders to let him know that he was 'coming through, followed by a comically long series of more builders carrying stuff right where Glenn wanted to stand. "Almost got me there. And and it's been raising some big questions for me. Questions like...questions that..."

After the constant disruption of the usually quiet and empty front of the store, Glenn had insisted you all move to the breakroom, desperate to get his point across in peace and quiet  - and safety given how he nearly got hit by a ladder. However, that didn't last for more then one sentence slipped from Glenn's lips, Cheyenne nearly falling out of the breakroom window that appeared to be missing the glass pain that usually sit within it. And so, you'd been forced to move to the front of the store, wherein Glenn's speech was interrupted once more. There was only on option - and apparently that was a twenty minute long walk away from the chaos and into the quiet.

"So that's what I've been thinking about. Anyone else have thoughts on that?" Glenn concluded his way too drawn out speech, a soft smile curling onto his lips as he finished his address for the first time in months. "Okay, then. Let's get to work!"

Jonah was the only thing separating you and Marcus after months of not talking, and the only thing stopping the two of you from noticing the other sneaking glances at them. He had a knack for that, it seemed. "What was that, a twenty minute walk?"

"Twenty-three." Mateo confirmed, the group beginning the return to the store to embark on the first shift in over two months. It was going to be a long day getting used to things again, let alone while trying to dodge Marcus all day; as long as you could help it.

"Y/n! Come on!" Jonah said, interrupting your thoughts as he grabbed your arm to bring you back to the rest of the group, pulling you back into reality as he did. Jonah had been your absolute rock these past few months, as you had his, and you knew as long as you had him at your side, today would be fine.

"Remember, single file when we cross the highway." Dina instructed, joining Glenn at the front of the line forming behind him.

"Are we cloud one?" Glenn shouted as you all began to walk back to the store, ready to restock everything.

"No!" You had all joined in on the chant, though tiredly and with lacklustre effort, it dawning on you you'd missed this place - these people - more than you thought you had over these past two months.


As soon as you'd made your way back to the store, you were split into groups to begin restocking and rebuilding the store. You and Jonah were building a set of shelves with Cheyenne and Mateo, catching up on everything you'd done over the past few months.

"Yeah, it well, it wasn't just my apartment. The tornado levelled the whole building, so..." Jonah recounted the story for what felt like the millionth time, you having been glued to his all day so far and having heard his explanation to everyone who asked how his time off had been.

"Scary." Cheyenne gasped, leaving Mateo to try and put up the second shelf by himself. "Were you in it at the time?"

"No, I was here, at the time."

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now