Oh, Simple Thing {sub part}

758 17 3

"What's going on between you and Marcus?"

The question alone made you freeze up entirely. Not only were you unsure of what was going on between you and Marcus, it was Jonah you were speaking too. Jonah who had had a crush on you yet still cared just a fiercely for you after you turned him down.

It didn't feel fair to talk to him about stuff like this, especially when it could've been him you felt this way about.

"I don't know what you mean." You weakly tried to refute, as though you'd be able to convince Jonah in the slightest when he had his mind set on something. Idea, conspiracy or task, if Jonah was determined to get to the bottom on it, he would.

"Don't give me that, peach." Jonah replied, pulling you closer to him by your linked arms so that you couldn't just escape his questioning gaze. "I saw that whole little thing back there."

"Seriously, I don't know what you're on about." You rebuked, face becoming redder and redder the more Jonah asked you about the nature of you and Marcus's relationship.

Sure you had something going on - you'd shared many a moment too close for friends: you'd nearly kissed when he dropped you back home after you'd waited all night in the ER for him, he'd come to look after you when you were sick, he brought you flowers and just before he had pretty much stated that he was 'working on' making the two of you a couple. But the mind can quickly wonder, and with any more then a seconds reflection on those moments they all seem as though he's just being friendly, trying to keep the peace.

"That whole, 'ooo come and sit with me handsome Marcus, I love your nickname for me and your handsome face. Aren't these puppies so cute? Not as cute as you!' thing." Jonah mimicked in a high pitched voice, as though he had been trying to replicate the conversation he had witnessed earlier.

Bursting out into a fit of laughter, you leaned heavily on Jonah to continue standing. "That was the worst impression I've ever heard."

"Yeah well, that's what you sounded like." The two of you laughed with each other, still finding humour despite the originally awkward tension of the conversation.

"Besides," You continued now the shared laughter had died down between the two of you. "It was a movie reference not a nickname."

"And you're not going to comment on the other stuff I said?" Jonah teased, your face becoming red once more as you realised that you'd failed to dispute any of the 'handsome' comments about Marcus. Sure, you found him good looking, but that didn't have to mean you had a crush on him or anything.

"Well- I- no." You stumbled through the words, sighing defeatedly as Jonah laughed at your struggle.

"Seems like you have got yourself a little crush there, peach." Jonah accused, poking you teasingly in the side as you walked further away from the store and towards the movie theatre where Jonah had convinced you to come and see something with him.

"What are we watching by the way, I didn't catch the title before when you asked."

"Oh, don't try and change the topic y/n." Jonah chastised, shaking his head gently from side to side as you looking up at him with a downwards smile. Why was it so hard to talk about how you felt to him?

Taking in a deep breath, you decided it would be okay to at least try and talk to Jonah - he had asked, it wasn't as though you were just dropping it on him. "Marcus, he- I- I don't know J."

"Well, do you like him?" He asked, running his thumb along the knuckles of your joined hands.

"Yeah. I do. I really do." You answered, looking down at your feet as you walked, avoiding Jonah's eye contact. "There's just something about him y'know. He's definitely a bit odd, but it's endearing... kind of."

"Hmm, and it seems pretty clear to me that he likes you too." Jonah probed, trying to judge your reaction to his outsider opinion. Though you found it hard to believe that Marcus would return your feelings, whatever they were, you couldn't find any reason that Jonah would lie to you about something so substantial; you highly doubted he would mention something he didn't think was entirely true. "He likes you, you like him. Date. It's that simple."

It was never that simple. You would never tell Marcus of your feelings just in case he didn't reciprocate them - you'd rather have him as a friend then not at all. Sometimes you wished you had Jonah's almost stupid, blind bravery; maybe that way you'd actually get stuff done, get things moving with Marcus.

"You've got all the wisdom of a coffee pot, J."

"Is that an insult or- you know what? I'm taking it as a compliment." Jonah's self confidence made you let out another laugh, something you couldn't seem to stop doing today.

"It's an insult." You deadpan, eliciting a loud gasp from Jonah as he gently pushed you away from him, a feigned hurtful expression crossing his face.

"No I think you meant I'm well mirthed and loved by all." Jonah teased slipping his arm out of your own, and replacing it by intertwining your fingers as he pulled you into the movie theatre.

As he approached the concession stand, buying the tickets and an armful of snacks for you to share, you dwelled on Jonah's words. It could be that simple, if you wanted it to be, but god knows you'd never do anything that could potentially compromise your friendship.

If keeping him as a friend meant you got to keep him at all, then friends is what you would be.


Hey guys!!

Sub-Part Sunday to help conclude the last part - finally getting a bit more of an insight as to what is going on in y/n's head regarding Marcus as some so-called awesome advice from Jonah.

Part 17 will be out Wednesday!!

As always, have a lovely week <33

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now