Back to work

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"'What boyfriend?' That Jonah guy that you're always with? The one you were sat with this morning?" Marcus explained, though he sounded unsure of his words, as though he didn't quite believe them. But how couldn't he? It made sense to Marcus, that someone like you had already been whisked off of your feet long before he had the chance to - that you would fall for someone like him. "It's pretty obvious."

Obvious. It was funny to you, that although you weren't dating Jonah, it was apparently so obvious that you were. What could Marcus see that you couldn't? "Marcus, there's no-"

However you didn't get the chance to explain, Jonah suddenly appearing at your side again, his arm slinging carelessly around your shoulder and pulling you into his side.

"I'll see you around y/n." Marcus let out a defeated sigh, weakly waving at you before turning away and heading far into the store - far away from you. Leaning your head onto Jonah's shoulder, you allowed him to guide you out of the store, letting him drone on about whatever topic had captivated his thoughts in that very moment as you dwelled on what had just happened. You couldn't do anything to help now, but tomorrow would bring a new day - one where you knew Marcus would be working too - and would allow you to explain everything to the oblivious man.


"Good morning." Glenn cheered joyfully as you, Amy and Jonah stood outside of the breakroom, you swiping your clock-in card through the machine with little thought, the action being done so many times before.

"Good morning Glenn." You muttered out, tired from the events of the day before - and of how little you had slept last night. Instead of sleeping, you'd spent the night tossing and turning, riddled with worry over what Marcus said - you'd rethought every interaction you'd had recently, at least since he'd seen the picture of you on your phone, and come to the conclusion that all of it was because he thought you'd had a boyfriend.

And you were so angry with yourself for it.

Sure, you and Jonah were close - probably closer then most friends - and you were affectionate with each other; but you were affectionate with everyone, and hadn't even thought that it would be perceived that way. Moreover, you had never been a morning person.

"Morning. Can't believe we're back. Same stupid time cards. Same boring beige halls." Amy scoffed, folding her arms across her chest and leaning into you slightly - her too having not slept well last night.

"Actually, I think that cockroach in the light is new." Jonah suggested, pointing to the still black dot within the light fixtures.

"Nope, Ernie's been here longer than me." Amy admitted, a yawn breaking from her throat as she looked up at the light in fascination.

"I'm excited that things are getting back to normal. No more corporate getting all up in our business." Glenn smiled brightly at the three of you, his gaze flickering between you all as he spoke.

"Oh, you know that the district manager's still here, right?" You asked, surprised that Glenn - your manager - of all people wouldn't know who was coming in and out of the store.

"Jeff? What is Jeff still doing don't think he's trying to find a reason to fire me? Do you?" Glenn asked, his voice suddenly becoming hushed, his eyes looking around anxiously, as though Jeff was waiting around a corner, hiding, waiting to catch Glenn saying something bad about him or corporate.

"No. Glenn, why would they fire you? They just hired you back." Amy reassured, hoping that Glenn wouldn't freak out, not so early in the morning when you'd be more unwilling to sort it out then usual.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now