Super Hot Store

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"What Marcus, what do you know about this pallet?" Amy asked in frustration, sweat beading at the flat of her forehead and running down her face. The heat had been getting to everyone today, and while you could understand her annoyance, you didn't think it warranted being mad with Marcus.

You'd only just began your shift for the day, and you were already beginning to succumb to the heat. You couldn't escape it no matter where you went, and it seemed no one else could either.

"Are you asking 'cause I'm in charge of the Warehouse now? 'Cause you heard I'm in charge of the Warehouse now, right?" Marcus's gaze flickered between the two of you, fingers pulling at the fabric of the coveralls that flushed against his chest, a 'cloud 9' logo brandished across it.

He looked handsome, you wouldn't deny it. The navy blue coveralls made his eyes pop more then they usually did, and the pulled up sleeves that scrunched at his elbows made his arms look more muscular then usual, veins popping down the length of his forearms. Sweat beaded across his hairline, though it wasn't warm enough to slick to across his forehead, a sight you thought wouldn't be too bad in the eyes.

"I did. Yeah. A promotion with no raise. Well done." Amy brushed off Marcus's boast with the snappy comment, the bitter tone missed by Marcus over his beaming smile and genuine happiness.

"Well done, Marcus. I've always thought you'd work well in the work house." The comment brought a red tint to his already heated face, his smile dumpling at the kind words. You'd also always thought he'd look good in the warehouse uniform, but that note could be told to him another time.

"Thank you. It just goes to show you keep your head down, you do the work, get your thumb cut off, and agree not to sue, anything can happen." Amy didn't seem to find humour in Marcus's words, instead scoffing and turning back to look at the problem that sat melted in the middle of the dairy aisle.

You looked up at Marcus, "Okay. So you can clean this up?" If it was a smaller spill, you'd have happily taken a bucket and a mop and done it yourself, but the fact that a whole pallet was melting in the aisle? that seemed like too much work. Plus, it was probably  the warehouse's fault for leaving the pallet there anyway.

"I got a lot on my plate right now, y/n." He addressed his words at you, ignoring the burning gaze of a heat-ridden Amy that appeared to be trying to shoot lasers through the side of his head. "Uh, but sure, yeah, I'll take care of it. You know what they say, heavy is the head that wears the pants."

Amy, though relieved at the knowledge that Marcus would be dealing with the spill, rolled her eyes at his totally off the mark expression. The heat was really beginning to affect people, even the slightest comment setting Amy off. "Okay."

"It's Shakespeare. Maybe pick up a book once in a while." Stepping away from Amy's side, you squeezed Marcus's hand tightly in a notion of appreciation, quietly thanking him for his help before turning back to Amy, grabbing her hand and dragging her away from the scene before the warmth would, inevitably, make things worse.


The jewellery counter, was extremely empty today due to the heat, so you were just sat on your phone, scrolling endlessly and occasionally replying to texts from Garrett about how cool Glenn's office was and how you should 'oh so come and join him' - until Amy stormed past, Jonah in her wake.

"What's going on? Guys? Where are you going?" You asked, stumbling out of your stool and already moving out from behind the jewellery counter in an attempt to follow along. Jonah grabbed your hand, cupping yours within his own, pulling you with him to catch up to Amy's quick pace.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now