Wedding Day Sale

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"And then he shouted it out in front of the whole store?" The voice on the other end of the phone crackled, it becoming more of a vibration then words the longer the call lasted. Even then, hearing a certain someone's voice on the other end of the line made you feel warm inside, glad to know that despite what you had thought, he'd cared.

"Yeah! I don't think it was warranted, but I might be a bit biased." Letting out a short laugh, you wrapped your arm tight around yourself, hugging into your own body. Today had been long, but it had been even longer since you'd last seen Marcus. Although you didn't know him as well as you knew Jonah or Garret, you still missed him as much as if it had been one of them to leave. It was strange, you couldn't deny that, but in the short time you'd known Marcus, you felt comfortable with him.

"What a d-bag!" Marcus groaned, still in disbelief at most of the story he'd heard today. You didn't deserve to have that shared against your want at all, let alone as a rebuttal in a stupid argument.

Telling him the events of the day - or technically yesterday with how long this call had lasted, the minutes slowly ticking over until the clock had struck midnight, and then continued to do so - wasn't as hard as you thought it was going to be. Knowing that everyone but him knew? It felt almost unfair to keep him out of loop.

After a comfortable moment of silence, you let out the breath you had been holding in, once afraid to break the peaceful quiet. "When are you going to come back? To St Louis?"

"Hopefully soon. With how it's going at the moment, it could be tomorrow, it could be next week. I don't know." Accidently letting the defeated sigh slip out, you tried to cover it up with a yawn, hoping your badly attempted cover up was just good enough.

"Well, I'll let you go then, you'll need the sleep." Pushing up off of your side, you pulled your knees as tightly as you could to your chest, your arm now resting loosely around them.

"Goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight Marcus."

The call was cut off all too quickly, the harsh beeping filling your ears and slouching your against the headboard. Deciding against dwelling on your feelings, you moved further down the bed until you were laying completely flat, closing your eyes and hoping to drift far away into the sea of dreams. However your sore and tried eyes were swiftly open as your door began to creak open, allowing the tiniest slither of light to break through.

"You still awake?" Amy whispered, peeking her head around the side of the door before swiftly moving inside the room, closing the door and locking out the light it provided.

"No, I'm away in dream land, leave me to rest." Instead of the laughter you were used to receiving, you were met with an awkward huff of air from her chest.

"He's sorry y/n." A tense silence filled the room, very different to what you had been experiencing just moments ago.

"I know. That doesn't make me feel better though." A curt nod from Amy let silent words be exchanged, this would change many things about your relationship with Amy and Adam, but you were ready for that now. And Amy would be by your side throughout every up and every down that came along the way.

"Try and get some sleep mi Chiquita." She stepped further into the room, pulling the covers up to cover you entirely and placing a light kiss on your forehead. Feeling small under Amy's touch, you closed your eyes and tried to absorb as much of the moment as you could, the motherly gesture ever-the-more endearing then it should've been.

"Goodnight Ames, I love you." Rolling onto your side with a loud yawn, you didn't see as Amy stood speechless in the doorway, beams of light now breaking into the darkness. Amy knew you loved her, as you knew she loved you, but neither had ever said it out loud before. Fleeting moments of comfort, shared knowing glances in the breakroom, compliments across the dinner table, light-hearted talks in the car, carefully worded jokes - it was all instances of your love for one another. So why did this feel so different?

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now