Cheyenne's Wedding

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For once, it was a slow morning in the break room, people scattered across the space and everyone taking their sweet time to get to eating breakfast or drinking coffee and begin the day.

Jonah stood beside the coffee pot, pouring himself a cup before beginning to work in your own, the mug your favourite gift from Dina who was stood beside him, leaning against the countertop. "What am I supposed to wear to your wedding? The invitation just says, "Not basic.""

Cheyenne unravelled her fruit roll up even further, pulling the treat away from its wrapper and tearing a strip off, offering it out to you. Taking a bite from the chick she'd held out, she then brought it to her own lips and chewed down on the sticky, sweet treat. "You know, not basic. I don't know how to explain it more than that."

"Yeah, like, Adam's wearing a grey suit." Cheyenne winced at the admission, then quickly returned to her fascination with her fruit roll up.

"Mmm, I mean, that's like, semi-basic, but you guys are old. No one's looking at you anyways." Jonah slid into the seat next to you, taking a sip from both mugs before sliding the correct one over to you.

Taking a long sip, you pulled back with a smile, blowing an over exaggerated kiss at the brunette. "Beautiful. Incredible. Truly never been done before. Thanks, J."

"I didn't know you were bringing Adam." Jonah probed at the sensitive topic, carefully turning to face Amy as he asked the question. Leaning into his side, you eyed her curiously, the two of you not having discussed the topic of Adam since New Years.

"Yeah, I thought your marriage was, like, burp-burp burp-burep, buuuurp." Dina mimed out a heart monitor flatlining, bringing herself into the conversation that was flowing between the four of you.

"No, it's fine. We're in couples counselling and it's fine, and please, nobody be weird around him. Okay?" A pointed look from Amy suggested the comment was aimed mainly at you: Adam's worse enemy. As far as you were concerned, after the way he'd hurt you and Amy, he was public enemy number one - but for Cheyenne's wedding, you'd happily keep the peace.

"If we were anywhere else, it'd be on sight." You emphasised, breaking Amy's gaze to stare into your coffee, swirling the liquid around before taking a sip.

Jonah followed suite in your giving in, sinking into his chair slightly as he looked away from Amy. "No, I'm, like, super caz."

"And, please, nobody say "super caz," like, as a life rule."

"Well, personally, I'm gonna wear a polo dress. All right? It's simple, beautiful, elegant." Dina posture immediately changed as she was struck with a thought. "Oh, but then again, I do have one of Nancy Pelosi's old pantsuits. I won it at an auction. Do you think that would be better?"

"I think that would be perfect, Dee." It was so perfectly Dina that she owned a Nancy Pelosi pantsuit, and you could picture her now in it, hair in loose curls and a wide smile on her face.

"I'm actually just wearing my bridesmaid's dress."

Amy's comment silenced the group, all of you tensing at the reveal that had Dina shocked, her lips parted as a gasp slipped past them. The grip she had on her cloud 9 coffee mug tightened as she bore down her gaze on a very uncomfortable Cheyenne.

Taking a sip from your mug, the liquid now at a better temperature then when Jonah had first served it to you, your gaze flickered between the two, waiting for someone to say something. "You asked Amy to be a bridesmaid, but you didn't ask me?"

Cheyenne's nervous laughter bubbles from her lips, shifting anxiously under Dina's saddened glare.

With a deep sigh, a far off look clouded Dina's gaze, eyes filtering away from the four of you and into the roof of the break room. "I get it. Ah! I just kind of always wanted to be a bridesmaid, and I, I don't know if I'll ever get another chance. I mean my sister's just so ugly."

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