Rebranding {shorts}

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"What does it mean to change? To embrace progress? To transform? Cloud 9 is pleased to announce that our in-store brand "Halo" has now become "SuperCloud." A new day has dawned." A stream of unrelated images flashed across the screen, butterflies and waterfalls, flowers and buildings, filling the tv despite the lack of relevance to the topic at hand.

"All right, there you have it. So it's a big day today. We start our rebranding." Jeff announced, hands clasped together and a clipboard tucked under his arm.

"He's way too enthusiastic for this considering it's like, 6 in the morning." You muttered to a half-asleep Garrett, who's head was lulled against your shoulder, not paying attention to the talk Jeff was giving.

"Does rebranding mean they're redesigning the store?" Cheyenne asked, someone finally, actually interested in Jeff's announcements this morning.

"No, we'll be taking our in-store product "Halo" and changing it to "SuperCloud.""

"And how are they different?" Jonah asked from beside you, who, unlike you and Garrett, was already wide awake and ready to face the day.

"That, uh, what I just said. It used to be called "Halo." Now it's called SuperCloud." Jeff huffed, unimpressed by the lack of a well reception at his news. "Maybe I'm not, um, selling the excitement of what's happening today. Let's see if this helps."

Jeff pressed on his speaker that sat behind him, "Are you ready for this?" blasting loudly through the break room in an instant. Wincing, you allowed Garrett to lean more into you, his head nuzzling into your shoulder as an attempt to hide away from the blaring noise of Jeff's music. Brining you cup to your lips, you blew on the steaming liquid then took a sip, letting the heat simmer down through your bones all the way to the tips of your toes.

"This is too much man." Letting out a whine, you threw your head backwards trying desperately to escape the break room and the imagine of Jeff dancing before you.


"Wow, that song is a little longer than I thought. What was that, 11 minutes?" Jeff asked, the song finally, thankfully, coming to an end.

"12." Dina corrected, proud smile crossing her face as Jeff flashed her a thankful smile.

"All right, anyway 12? Sorry about that. Uh, moving on, we have buttons for everybody to wear today, and there's a VP coming in to oversee this rollout."

A box of buttons was passed around, you grabbing a handful and dropping them against the table before passing the box on. Sliding one to Garrett and two to Jonah, you faced him with a pleading expression, a silent question; wanting him to do it for you. Jonah took the pins from you, quickly attaching one to his own vest before attaching the second to yours, covering up the cloud 9 logo with the 'super cloud' promotion.

"A VP of corporate? I'm gonna need to borrow somebody's lipstick. Not Amy's, way too slutty." Dina chastised, eyes scanning across the break room in search for someone who might have what she needed.

Pulling out a pink-tinted, peach and mango, chapstick from your front pocket, you threw it over to Dina, her catching it in her hands with ease. "I got you, Dee."

"Why is a smiling white lady always the mascot? 'Cause in my experience, usually they're, like, the first to snap." Amy asked, ignoring Dina's insult and turning to Jeff, who now stood before a creepy cardboard cut out of a random white woman.

"She's not wrong." Dina agreed, smothering a healthy amount of tinted chapstick across her lips before pushing the lid back on with a pop, and throwing it back to you.

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