Halloween Theft

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"Today is a high-alert day. I can't stress enough the importance of being vigilant and cautious in light of the serious threats we'll be facing." Dina warned, hand firmly against her hip as she debriefed you all on how serious today seemed to be.

"Dina's right. So everybody keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Okay? Good." His hotdog costume bumping into Dina slightly as she spoke, causing you to let out a giggle. Trying quickly to hide it behind a cough, Dina still managed to catch it and glared at you.

"Let's watch out for people buying toilet paper, eggs, shaving cream, ketchup, your squeezables, your squirtables everything is a weapon today, okay?" Dina announced, eyes flickering across the crowd she had gathered at the store front; everyone dressed in bright, unusual costumes the only thing the same was the blue vests and the name tags scattered across everyone.

"Dee," you sighed, resting your weight on one leg as you folded your arms across your chest. "Some of those are just household necessities."

"What about guns?" Garrett asked, which you were sure would still be fine. Guns weren't the lethal weapon 'the kids' seemed to use to cause torment over the Halloween buildup.

"Those are fine." Dina confirmed with a slight nod of her head. "Incidentally, that costume is ridiculous. Professor X doesn't drink martinis."

"Yes, but James Bond does." Garrett replied, putting on his best impression of a British accent as he spoke. You loved Garrets impressions; sure they weren't the best but they always managed to elicit a chuckle from you and Jonah.

"Oh, come on, Dina. Stop being the Halloween version of Scrooge, whatever that is." Amy commanded, stomping her staff into the ground before her as she teased Dina. "Oh, Booge! Boo, Scrooge. I just thought of that." A wide smile crossed Amy's face at the revelation.

"Yeah, don't be such a Booge. Put on a costume." Jonah added, using Amy's newly coined word, making her smile just a little bit wider. A loud chorus calling Dina a 'booge' echoed around the store.

"Ooh, peer pressure from a group of people I don't respect. Now, that's scary." Dina chastised, quickly bringing the shouts to a end and a sulk onto your face; you'd wish for once Dina would take part, she'd probably surprise herself with how much fun she'd have. "I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Sandra's the only other grown-up here."

"Actually, I am dressed up. I'm you." Sandra sheepishly admitted, looking away from Dina's piercing gaze as she stared her down at the admission.

"Shut up, Sandra." Sandra muttered to herself, imitating Dina's common use of the phrase.

"Shut up, Sandra!" Dina shouted much louder then Sandra had, resulting in a round of laughter from everyone gathered at the store front.

"Oh, my God, that's so cool. You're gonna be twinsies." Mateo cheered, pointing between the two Dina's with enthusiasm.

"No, we're not." Dina insisted her face becoming dusted with red at her anger.

"Wait, you guys should stand together all day." Cheyenne suggested; whether or not she knew it would get Dina to cave, it would definitely get a rise out of her, which you deemed a step in the right direction.

"I'm up for it." Sandra admitted with a shy smile, everyone cheering her on as they lived the idea of having Dina and Dina for the day.

"Yeah, I'm gonna find a costume to put on." Dina let out a deep, frustrated sigh, stomping away from the crowd to try and find a costume before she got forced into being teamed up with Sandra all day.

"Booge." You and Amy spat, hidden behind obnoxiously fake coughs, making the two of you start to laugh at each other.

"So, looking forward to tonight J?" You asked, trying to make some small talk while you waited for Dina's return.

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