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As you and Amy pulled up to Cloud 9, you checked off a point on your mental to-do list. In the car ride over you, Amy and Emma had discussed the strongly worded voicemail that had been left by your mother the other day. It had been a difficult conversation - anything to do with your mom was difficult, but the voicemail she'd left had your feelings all up in the air again.

You knew her words were meaningless, that she was just saying things she knew would get to you; but that didn't make them hurt any less. She was your mom after all, and as hard as you tried not to, you couldn't help but hope she'd change, that she'd grow to love you as she was supposed to - like Amy loved Emma.

As you got out of the car, you wiped the stray tear that had fallen from your cheek, taking a deep breath in as to prepare yourself for the day you would have to face once you were inside the store.

Barley through the doors you already heard Garrets cries. "Oh, Jonah touched a dead guy! Jonah touched a dead guy!"

You could do this.


"Well, we can likely rule out foul play according to his license, he was 87. Probably died of old age." Dina announced to the breakroom, flicking through the contents of the mans wallets to find a slot to place the ID card back into.

"My great-grandma died the same way. Her mom too. Bad genes, I guess." Cheyenne said making you chuckle. Cheyenne had a way with words that made everything she said feel... so perfectly Cheyenne - funny and slightly naïve.

"So, she just kept the dead man's wallet, and we're all okay with that?" Amy asked, sitting across the table from you, her hand caressing a warm mug of coffee; much like the one you had yourself.

"Finders keepers." Dina replied, shrugging her shoulders as she tucked the wallet into her back pocket.

Bringing the cup of coffee Garret had made for you to your lips, you took a long sip, allowing your eyes to close as the warmth seeped through your body. As you opened your eyes they were met with the whiskey hues of Marcus's. Hiding your smile behind the brim of your mug, he flashed you a bright and wide grin, holding his hand up in a small wave. The shared moment between the two of you was far too quickly broken for your liking, by a sharp nudge from Garret. You rolled your eyes at the man beside you, ignoring his look of confusion, choosing to instead take another sip of coffee.

"Anyway, uh, I thought we should all gather as a group in sort of a safe space so that we can share any feelings that we have. About what happened. Um, is anyone feeling any sadness? Or shock? Or guilt? There are no wrong answers. Yes, Garrett." Glenn asked around, worried that someone may be feeling upset due to the man that had been found in the store - though it seemed pretty clear that Glenn was the most upset about it.

"I guess apathy. I don't got any feelings about this dude." Garret stated blankly, causing Glenn to take in a sharp intake of breath.

"I agree with Garret, Glenn, I don't think any of us knew who this guy was before today." You and Garret shared a look as Glenn let out a frustrated whine.

"Okay, uh, Garrett and y/n, thank you for sharing. Um, is anyone else feeling feelings of apathy? Okay, well, that's valid. That's va no, it's not valid! You know what? No one is leaving this room until I see someone express some real g-d emotion!" Glenn's sudden outburst shocked you, while you could tell the incident this morning had effected him, you didn't think it had this much.

"Uh, well, perhaps seeing a dead person today made us all realize how fragile the journey of life really is." Jonah offered, his wide eyed expression revealing that Glenn's outburst had surprised him too.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now