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"Attention,  shoppers, the store has been closed for 20 minutes. Many of us would like to leave. So, if you're still in the store, you're being a dick. Don't be a dick." Garret emphasised, looking directly at the man stood opposite Jonah. He'd been staring at the trash cans for over an hour now, still trying to pick one - was it really that hard?

"If I don't get home and study for my midterm, I'm totally screwed." Amy groaned from the next to you; she'd been working so hard for this exam, and you didn't want it to be thrown away because of one indecisive customer. "Oh, hey, you look so cute."

"Thank you!" You, Garret and Cheyenne replied in union, each looking at the other confused. However, upon seeing Cheyenne's outfit, you realised who Amy had been directing her words at.

"Awe, Chey, you look so good!" You gushed, grabbing her by her forearms and squeezing them gently.

"It's my senior dance recital tonight." Cheyenne announced, gesturing down to her outfit and spinning slowly where she stood.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Amy cried, almost offended that Cheyenne hadn't told anyone at work about her recital - you'd have loved to go.

"Well, I can't perform because of, you know, this." Cheyenne rubbed her growing belly gently, hoping to keep the baby at bay as she blamed it for not being able to dance at her recital. "But I'm gonna go and cheer on the other girls."

"Yeah, if this bozo ever leaves the store." You complained, throwing your head back in exasperation; today had been long enough and this dude staring at the trash cans wasn't helping. It wasn't like you had any plans once you got out of here, you just wanted to go home like everyone else.

"It's all right. I got it." Garret said before turning on some loud, obnoxious music, blasting it over the store speakers. Unfortunately, the bin man seemed unphased.

Suddenly, Mateo appeared behind Jonah, a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other. Swiping the mop under the mans feet, he slowly pushed him closer and closer towards the door. For a brief moment, he stooped at the discount movie bin, with baited breath, you hoped that he would just leave the store. With a final push from Mateo, the man was officially outside the store.

"Have a heavenly night." Mateo spat, turning and walking back into the store. Walking over towards the customer service counter, he was met with cheers and applause, everyone thankful that someone was finally able to get the man out of the store, so that you could go home.

"Yeah! Oh, great job, Mateo. Great job." Garret complimented, everyone still clapping for Mateo.

"Hey, we're all staying late to do more work. I'm so sorry. I just found out about it. I feel terrible about this. Whoo-hoo!" Glenn clapped and cheered, hoping his happy demeanour would lesson the blow of the bad news. Of course corporate were going to keep you behind on a Friday evening. Hopefully this evening would be over sooner rather than later.

Pushing yourself off of the customer service counter, you followed after Glenn, hoping to get this done with quickly.

"Ooh, corporate messed up. Those are the same signs we just took down." Garret said, watching as you and Glenn pulled out signs from the package you had just received.

"I don't think so." Glenn said, pulling out a letter hidden deep within the package to try and confirm Garret was wrong. "Nope, they say the old signs were this pale, outdated colour called "Glossy Dolphin." The new ones are a bold, exciting colour called "Glossy Dolphin B.""

Ugh. If you'd known that these signs were pretty much the same, you'd have left the store when trash man had. Letting out a deep sigh, you picked up a grocery sign, allowing Amy to grab the other end and help you carry it.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now