The Aftermath {sub part}

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Closing the door behind you, you leant your weight against it, eyes closed, lids feeling too heavy as you took in everything that had happened this evening.

Marcus had kissed you.

Well. You had asked, him to kiss you and he had done, very nicely if you did say so yourself. Ghosting your fingers across your still warm lips, you could still feel the warmth of Marcus's own a top them, despite the chill that was beginning to seep into you from your rain-logged clothes.

"Tell. Me. Everything."

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" You asked, Emma's declaration startlingly you from your love-sick stupor. Could you ever have one moment of peace?

Pushing away from the door, you began to shrug your - Marcus's - jacket off, allowing it and your bag to fall to the floor, droplets of rain running off of the clothes and creating puddles on the floor around you. Pushing one foot into the heel of the other, you pried your soaked shoes from your feet, quickly pulling off your sock as well to escape the dampness that was keeping you cold despite the warmth of the house.

"Shouldn't you have been home hours ago?" Emma retorted, her arms folded diligently across her chest as she stared you down from her place on the bottom step.

"I'm an adult." You argued, placing your shoes underneath the nearest radiator in hopes they would be dry come morning so that you could wear them again.

"Not when you don't come home at your usual time missy." Emma sasses, hands now firmly on her hips as she continued to stare you down. Your mouth hung agape at the pure cheek of her words; she was acting like more of a mother right now then Amy.

It was cute, in a way, to see Emma so concerned and invested in your love life (or more importantly why you were home late) and it filled your chest with a sense of warmth.

"Oh, Em." You chided, jutting out your bottom lip as you walked towards the girl, arms extended in wait for a hug. Though, before you had the chance to pull her into your wet chest,  Amy's voice came quietly from the living room.

"Y/n? That you?"

As Emma tried to run back upstairs, not wanting to be caught awake way past the time she should've been asleep, you jumped forward, catching her on your grasp. Holding onto the squirming teen tightly, you held her against your chest in a tight hug, the wet material of your shirt bleeding into the softness of her pyjamas quickly. "Oh no, c'mere you little brat."

"Mom!" Emma shouted, thrashing her legs into the air as she struggled against your hold.

"Mom!" You echoed though in a much whinier tone. Emma let out a deep sign, this time dropping her weight and trying to kick at your shins in an attempt to be let go.

"Stop it!" Amy shouted, hands folded sternly across her chest, an unamused look souring her usually happy expression.

Dropping Emma back onto the stair step, you both turned to shyly face an angered Amy - though not without Emma landing a loud smack against your shoulder. Opening your mouth to tell the younger girl off, you quickly shut it, letting out a deep sigh and folding your arms across your chest; mirroring Amy's own stance.

"What is going on here?" Amy asked, you and Emma instantly responding - both talking over the other in an attempt to get your story heard first. "You know what? I don't want to know. Bed. Both of you."

At the hesitance from the both of you, Amy shifted her weight from foot to foot, before raising her eyebrow at the two of you. "Now."

Emma let out a deep groan, stomping back up the stairs and quickly slamming her door closed in an attempt at teenaged-rebellion. Rolling your eyes at the dramatisation of it, you hopped off the bottom stair step, bending down and scooping your pile of wet things off of the floor and into your arms.

"Good night?" Amy asked, a smirk curling onto her lips as she leant against the archway into the living room.

"Oh my god." You gasped, an accusing finger being raised to point at Amy. "You just didn't want Emma to hear."

"I just didn't want her to hear first." Amy clarified, beckoning you over to the kitchen where two warm cups of tea sat around the dining table. She must have heard the car pulling up. "As your mom, I feel like I'm entitled to all the gossip first."

Mom. Amy had just referred to herself as your mom. Fuck. It wasn't the first time the term had been used between the two of you, in fact, you'd thrown the term around a lot the last few months. But Amy had never referred to herself as your mom - that was a new one.

"Yeah." You whispered, words coming out airily and almost as though you were on the verge of tears; that if you talked too loud you'd break. "That seems more then fair."

"So what happened?" Amy pried, leaning forward expectantly as she waited with baited breath to hear what had happened since she'd left you in the break room. "Was he a creep again? I knew I shouldn't have left you."

"No. Ames. He was really sweet, actually." As heat rose to your cheeks as you though back on the evening you'd just shared, Amy's mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"He took me to this diner, on the outskirts of town, and you could see all of the stars - I love the stars and I'd never even told him that he just seemed to know." Letting out a dreamy sigh, you wrapped your hands around the vaguely warm cup of tea, fiddling with your fingers around the ceramic. "And we got milkshakes and he dipped his fries in them - just like I do - and then he drove me home."

"And?" Amy asked teasingly, looking at you over the brim of her mug as she finished off the soothingly warm liquid.

"And then he walked me to the door and y'know... he kissed me." Amy let out a loud gasp, clapping her hands together and leaning across the table to pinch your cheek in her free hand.

"I knew it! I knew it." She cackled, standing from her seat and pouring what little remained of her tea down the sink drain. "So do you think he's cute?"

"What? I mean, I guess-" You replied, quickly halting your explanation at the mischievous smile that curled onto Amy's lips. "What? What did I do?"

"You think he's cute! Ha!" Quirking your eyebrow in confusion, you took another sip of your tea, unease settling in the pit of your stomachs at Amy's outright joy at the revelation. "I knew this day would come!"

"Ames, I'm very confused."

"Remember when the Stratus lady came last year? And Jonah said I called him cute? And then-"

"-I made fun of you for it and you promised you'd do the same one day." You cringed at the revelation, it suddenly dawning on you that you probably wouldn't be able to escape torment and teasing from Amy for the next few weeks at the least.

"That's right, baby! Oh, I am going to become so unbearable." Pushing up and out of your chair, you grabbed your things yet again, rushing out of the kitchen to try and escape Amy's already-beginning torment.

"Okay Ames, I get it." You said, marching up the stairs with an armful of wet things and Amy hot on your heel.

"It's only 'cause I love you." Amy whined, following you all the way to your room where she stopped to lean against the open doorway, a wide smile on her face, crinkling her eyes and flashing her teeth.

Dropping your pile of things to the floor, though you knew you'd come to regret it when they were still wet come morning, you threw yourself into bed, groaning into the softness of the pillow as you met it.

"Goodnight my little love bug." Amy teased, flicking off your light as she began to slowly back out of the room.

"Goodnight Ames, I love you."

"I love you too, y/n."


Happy Sub-part sundayyyyyyyy!!!!

Just a cute lil fluffy part with mom!amy and sister!emma content which is my fave to write. I cant wait to see where Marcus and readers relationship goes from here  :DD

Next part will be uploaded wednesday, as ususal!

As always, have a lovely week <33

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now