So This Is Christmas

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"Oh! And don't forget - tomorrow is a public holiday, so everybody gets the day off!" A round of cheers resounded around the break room, a wide smile gracing even the likes of Dina.

"How could we forget when you look like you've been pulled right out of Santa's workshop?" Garrett asked, his teasing question going right over Glenn's head, which was adorned with a bright, green, pointed hat - a thick, white fluff running along the hem of it.

"Thank you, Garrett. Jerusha was up all night making it for me." Glenn nodded sincerely, smoothing down the bright green fabric of his jacket as he smiled down at his costume.

"Oh, wow Glenn. That is so... sweet." Amy complimented through a tight-lipped smile, admiring the oversized costume that hung on Glenn's body.

"Isn't it? I just really wanted to spread some holiday cheer." A wide smile was adorned on his face, the apples of his cheeks rosier then usual from the cold, winter weather.

The break room felt warmer then usual, some kind of mutual understanding that the holiday season brought with its streams of red and green; everyone had tomorrow off, and no one could be happier. The low buzz of the radio filled the room, hums of a Christmas song you knew the tune of but not the words to, occupying the quiet between the incessant chatter of your coworkers.

"Y'know, I'm really not that fond of Christmas." Silence fell over the room at the sudden admission, heads turning to look at Jonah who nervously looked up from the hot tea he had been sipping on.

Craning your neck to look at the man behind you, you stared at him over the brink of your coffee cup. Brining Dina's gifted mug to your lips, you took another sip, the warm liquid slipping down your throat with ease and heating you from the tips of your toes which the cold had nipped at as you made your way into the store.

Mateo, turned to face Jonah, near-scowl settling on his lips as he scoffed. "Of course you hate Christmas."

"It's just, I don't see the point." Jonah defended, arms crossing over his chest and hands tucking under his arms as he avoided the eye contact of the majority of the break room. "It's just an excuse to spend money on stuff you don't need."

"You know." Cheyenne stirred around her froot loops, scooping up a mouthful, and tipping them back into the bowl as she spoke. "Maybe the reason you don't like Christmas is 'cause you don't believe in Santa - so you don't get any presents."

"Chey, I don't think that's how that works." Amy put down the Christmas issue of 'Stratus' that she had been flicking through, finally entertaining the conversation that had the whole room captivated.

"Oh it defiantly does. How else would the presents get under the tree." Cheyenne's naïveté and often childlike view of the world always managed to amaze you. Not only did she have a kid, but she was soon to be married - the day getting closer and closer as time went by - and yet that childlike wonder of the world still persevered.

"It's not about money, Jonah." Glenn chastised; his hands firm on his hips and his head tilted in curiosity. "It's about Family, and the birth of the little baby Jesus-"

"Glenn, you know what the rules are surrounding religion in the work place." Dina huffed, crossing her arms across her chest tightly as she moved to stand in front of Glenn, cutting off his religious rant that was sure to ensue.


"No, Glenn. We've been over this before-"

As Dina and Glenn's constant bickering made its first emergence of the day, you turned in your chair with a huff. You didn't have much of a shift to take on today, you and Amy having convinced Glenn to let you go after the first half of the day so that you could go and pick up your keys.

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