Integrity Award

767 20 5

"The primary circuit supplies the secondary portion of the valve with air. Pump the brakes to demonstrate." Amy was watching some kind of video tutorial on how to work one of the massive cloud 9 delivery trucks as you slouched into your seat, arms folded across your chest.

When she'd called you at 6am, you'd assumed it was an emergency, however, you'd instead been tricked into hiding out into the warehouse until Amy had time to slip away and meet you. While there were plenty of things you would do for her in your free time, coming to the store was not an ideal one of them.

"What you doing?" Jonah voice startled you, though quickly brought a smile to your face. You'd have taken any extra company on your outing today, but it being Jonah was definitely better.

Amy paused the video as she turned to look at Jonah. "Umm, I am making a delivery."

"Since when do you make deliveries?" Jonah's arm was slung over the rolled down window, handing into the truck as he held himself up against the big vehicle.

"Uh, since I realized we don't have any female truck drivers in 2017." Amy frantically pulled and pushed at different buttons in an attempt to get the truck moving, though it was to no avail. "Okay, I'm helping my parents move."

"I was forced here against my will to help." Raising your glove-covered hand into Jonah's view, you waved at him briefly, before tucking your hands across your chest and under your arms in an effort to keep them warm.

"Isn't it your day off though?" Jonah asked, sticking his head through the window and inside of the truck to talk to you.

Amy pushed his head out of the window and continued to try pulling and pressing at things on the dashboard of the truck. "They're getting $50 for their troubles I'm sure they'll live."

"What about my frog, Amy?" You whined, frantically throwing yourself against the back of the seats in the truck, looking at her with disdain. "What if it dies while I'm gone?"

"It doesn't die when you go to work every day, now does it?" Any chastised, both hands gripping the wheel tightly as she stopped fiddling with things and looked at you.

"I told Gerald I'd be home. He's probably heart broken." Slouching into the middle seat of the truck once more, you looked out the window to your right, ignoring Amy's stern look.

"You have a frog?" Jonah asked, his eyebrows quirked and a smile pulling at his lips. Of course you had a frog.

"Yeah, I got a pet frog. My apartment was too quite at night. I like his ribbiting." You mused through your explanation, thinking back to the lonely Gerald that currently sat in your apartment. You did like his ribbiting, that was true, you liked the low hum that always filled your apartment and made you feel less alone in the dead of night. It was comforting.

"Anyway, they forgot to rent a truck, and they have to be out of their house today." Amy explained, still trying to get the truck to start up, though you were certain she wouldn't be able to if she tried.

"Uh, Okay, if you need some help, I actually know how to drive stick. I thought it would be something that would impress women. It does not." Though Jonah's offer seemed sweet and genuine, Any scoffed at it, continuing to try and figure it out without help.

"Really? I think that's impressive."

"You and no one else, peach." With a deep sigh, Amy admitted defeat, pushing back from the wheel and climbing over you to let Jonah inside the vehicle.

"Okay, fine, you can help." Amy stumbled over you instead of asking you to shuffle up, keeping you as a human barrier between her and Jonah who - despite his help - she was now annoyed with.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now