Ladies' Lunch

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"Good morning, everyone. Hey, who here likes cash, huh?" Glenn cheered, a handful of $20 bills fanned out in his hold, being waved above you. A chorus of joyful yes's reverberated around the break room, no one a person to back down from the offering of seemingly free money.

"Oh, good, I'm glad you're excited." Glenn's smile quickly turned into a frown, the cash being lowered closer to his chest and silence falling over the once-gleeful break room. "Because our computer system is down, so today all we can take is cash."

Groans echoed around the room, defeated sighs and heads falling against tables. Letting out a wearied laugh, you let your head fall into the palm of your hand, rubbing at the flesh of your temple as twirls of steam heated your face from your coffee.

The winter was leaving slowly, the dregs of cold and snow still coming as you had trudged your way into the store this morning, having walked so Amy could get to counselling. Your face was still red, bitten by the cold and fuelled now by the heat that brushed your cheeks.

"What? Why are you waving the cash around like that?" Garrett asked, a look of hurt flashing across his face; though it had appeared Glenn would be giving out free cash, that clearly wasn't the case.

Placing a hand against Garrett's shoulder, you rubbed it gently, a tired attempt at soothing his obvious upset. Bringing your mug to your lips with your other hand, you took a sip of your coffee, revelling in the warmth that then travelled through you.

"I thought it would make you excited." Glenn frowned deeply, his entire mood deflated at the simple question. "Like I was gonna give you the cash or something."

Silence fell over the upset population of the break room, sighs and groans travelling around the room as Glenn referred to his clipboard in an effort to change the subject. "Hey, where's Amy?" Dina asked, suddenly straightening up in her chair as she looked around the break room for the brunette.

"Oh, she's been late a lot lately." Mateo mused, some kind of judgmental comment or thought on the top of his tongue. "Last Thursday, last Monday. Thursday before that."

"Oh, no." Cheyenne gasped, hands smacking down against the table top as looked urgently around the break room. "What if Emma was kidnapped? Or y/n?"

A laugh bubbles past your lips, your head shaking gently as you reached out to touch the younger girls shoulder, other hand still cradling the warmth of your mug. "I'm literally right here, Chey."

"Yeah, what if they're getting kidnapped every Monday and Thursday morning?" Letting out a low laugh, you muffled it behind a cough, Garrett's usual sarcasm having an even stronger effect on a sleepier you.

"It has nothing to do with Emma, or y/n, okay? It's a personal thing. End of conversation." Glenn assured, his wording creating an edge of tension in the break room; all he'd said was four little words that told the break room more then they needed to know.

"Glenn." You warned, sitting upright in your chair and discarding the warmth of your drink in favour of saving Amy's secret. "Feel like you've said too much there."

"Beginning of conversation." Jonah argued, a questioning glance sent your way at your addition to Glenn's statement. It was obvious that you knew what was going on - why wouldn't you? - but for some reason, the thought hadn't crossed Jonah's mind.

"Oh, my God, is she sick?" Sandra gasped, chatter immediately breaking out across the room at the notion.

It was all so dramatic: working in a small, close-nit store. It's not that you didn't love it, because you did - it was like having a whole, other family at times, which was something you had grown to appreciate. But at times like these, the smallest bit of gossip - even the idea that there could be gossip - was enough to start a wildfire.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now