Election Day

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"What is a comptroller?" Amy asked as you, her and Jonah walked through the back of the store, bags in hand, jackets on but not quite ready to face the day ahead.

"Something to do with computers, I think." Jonah replied, his hands tucked deep into the warmth of his blue jacket.

"Yeah, like an Xbox controller that you can use with your computer, right?" It sure sounded like it at least; you always enjoyed the odd conversations you had on your way to and from the break room. The most random topics would be discussed with no way of remembering how you got onto it in the first place.

"Really?" Amy asked, her questioning gaze flickering between the two of you. "Or do those two words just sound the same?"

"They sound the same." Jonah confirmed with a tight-lipped smile and nod, turning to you to see if you had actually known what it was.

"Yeah. I have no idea, I made that up." You concluded, Jonah letting out a soft laugh at your confession.

"Doesn't mean it's not true, though." He offered, you and Amy giving hums of approval at the notion; you didn't need to know what they were anyway, so you'd happily settle on your own idea.

"What is this? "Official Cloud 9 Election Guide."" Amy asked, pulling a folded piece of glossy paper out of the nearest locker, though not her own, you and Jonah quickly following suite.

Flicking through the pamphlet that had been tucked neatly into the opening of every locker you could see, you were met with colourful advertisements, littered with emboldened slogans and an arms worth of decals you'd find at a 4th of July party. Every page filled with a new person; one in particular being pushed out to you.

"Are they trying to, y'know-" You asked, skim reading the pages of the pamphlet you held in your grasp.

"Get us to pick a certain candidate? Yeah." Jonah finished, the two of you sharing a concerned look between you. Though it didn't necessarily surprise you that cloud 9 wanted you to support the anti-union, anti-workers candidate, you couldn't quite believe they were doing so, so obviously.

With a quiet mutter of 'I can't believe this' Amy stormed out of the break room and in the direction of Glenn's office - you and Jonah running to catch up behind her - where she pushed open the door, startling Glenn who had been sat at his desk in peace and quiet.

"They're trying to tell us who to vote for!" Amy accused, shoving the pamphlet into Glenn's face while she pointed rather aggressively at it.

"I don't know what you're complaining about. I love getting mail." Glenn shrugged, taking the pamphlet from Amy's hand and opening it up, his eyes skimming across the pages.

"Oh, because we just love finding useless pieces of paper in our lockers." You chastised, your frustration coming out slightly at Glenn despite the fact it wasn't his fault; he had handed out the fliers but just under corporates command.

"You don't think it's a little misleading?" Jonah asked, his fingers trailing along the words of the page before settling on a specific line and tracing the words as he spoke. "For State Senator: "Jack Peterson supports your right to work," which is basically just another way of saying "anti-union.""

"Let's not use the U-word." Glenn dismissed, pointing at Jonah as a tense expression crossed his face. Though it had been months since your 'threat of intent to unionise' you knew how nervous Glenn still got at even the mention of the word.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now