Shots and Salsa

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"All right, I like this. When I say cloud, you say nine. Cloud!" Glenn cheered, a round of 'nine' coming from the group you stood within. How he was so energetic so early beat you.

Glenn's words faded into the background as you thought of the warm cup of glorious coffee that awaited you once you could escape back to the break room.

"This chant seems a little on the long side." Jonah commented from behind you where he stood with his arms folded across his chest.

"Gets longer every year." Complained Garret despite his lack of even trying to amuse Glenn by participating.

"When I first started here, we would just put our hands in the middle and go, "Yay."" Amy added, a short laugh bubbling out as she spoke, though it was quickly covered with a gentle cough.

"Yeah I started here four years ago and even back then it was so much shorter. It ended after 'when I say Cloud, you say nine!'" You rolled your eyes at how much the chant had increased in such a short time - you dreaded to think how long it would be by the end of the year alone.

You drowned out the rest of the chant, instead choosing to look around at all your co-workers. In the amount of time you'd worked here you'd seen many come, and many go - yet the same few seemed drawn here. No number of new faces could drown out those that made the pillars of the Ozark Highlands Cloud 9.

Except for the tuft of hazel brown hair that appeared over the side of the crowd in front of Glenn. You couldn't tear your eyes away from what little you could see from within the crowd. However, Jonah tugging harshly on your arm caused you to tumble back into reality. Who was that?

"Before we open, I need a volunteer to hand out samples of the new Cloud 9 brand salsa, Señor Cloud." Glenn announced looking around the group before him, his gaze, strangely, lingering longer on Amy.

"Yes, right here. I'll do it." Mateo exclaimed, waving his hand on the air to grab Glenn's attention.

"Yes, perfect, and I don't mean just because you're Mexican." Oh.

"I'm actually Filipino." Mateo responded, clearly confused, and a bit hurt by Glenn's assumption.

"Okay, let's consider all our options. Um, Amy, I've got a feeling this is right up your alley." Of course. You knew Glenn was trying to pick on Amy, just so he could use her ancestry as acceptance.

As Glenn and Amy argued over if it was right for her to host the salsa stand, you tried to sneak glances at the tall man who stood on the opposite side of the group as you. When did he start working here? Surely you'd remember someone so tall?

"I could do it." Jonah offered, in complete seriousness, his stark response breaking YIU from your search.

"That'd be hilarious. You should dress like a matador." Dina chocked out, a laugh filling her words.

"Honestly, it's fine. It beats a day of dressing room duty." Carmen added, clearly deciding to take ahold of the salsa stand for the day. As the other Latina in the store, you'd assumed Glenn would've asked her to do it sooner or later.

"Thank you. Think fast! Mexico hat!" Glenn said throwing a sombrero at Carmen, it hitting her square in the chest, the look on her face showing she clearly regretted taking up this opportunity already.

As Garret began to move away to customer service, asking you to join him, you tried to take once last glance at the mysterious man only to find him no where to be seen. Hmm.


"Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers, be sure to stop by grocery for a free sample of Señor Cloud salsa. And in Pharmacy, get yourself a flu shot, available in medium, mild, ay-yi-yi picante, and I'm almost positive that was written down wrong." Garrets progressive realisation made you laugh hard from where you sat next to him on the customer service counter.

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