Spokesman Scandal

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Tossing and turning in your pile of blankets and pillows, you just couldn't fall asleep. You'd tried everything: sleeping meds, sleepy-time tea, rain noise, white noise, fuck you'd even tried counting sheep. Yet it all seemed futile, all seemed pointless.

The fever you'd been riddled with had only gotten more and more intense as the day had gone on; you'd taken every pill Tate had offered you and yet it still hadn't faded. It seemed like this would be one those fevers you couldn't just sweat out.

Sitting up with a groan, you pushed yourself out of the confines of your fortress of comfort and headed out of the door. Creeping down the stairs you hoped you could find something to finally help.

Tiptoeing into the kitchen, you opened a cupboard, reaching up for a glass and filling it with water. Walking across to the fridge, you grabbed a handful of ice cubes, dropping them into your drink in hope it would keep the liquid cool for longer.

Sipping slowly from the cup, you leant against the counter, relishing in the feeling of cold water flowing through you.

"Bit late isn't it?" Amy asked, arms folded across her chest and eyes blinking away the sleep. He words were quiet and croaky, as though she'd just woken up.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." You apologised, placing the cup of water onto the counter beside you. "Just needed a drink."

"I can see that." Amy let out a tired laugh, wrapping her blue robe around her tightly to try and keep the warmth in. The opposite of what you were trying to do. "Anything else?"

"I don't feel too good." You sulked, beads of sweat forming along your hairline as you stood in the middle of the moon-lit kitchen.

Amy nodded silently, pulling her hands out from around her torso and opening her arms for you to crawl into.

Stumbling across the length of the kitchen, you fell into Amy's hold, nestling into the crook of her neck and allowing her to rock you gently from side to side. Amy ran her fingers through your hair, pushing loose strand back behind your ear and shushing you gently. Despite the stickiness of the warmth, you held on tightly to her, enjoying the comfort of her hold.

"Let's get you back to bed, huh." Amy suggested, waiting for you to nod in response to her question before she pulled away from you.

Slowly she guided you back up the stairs to your bedroom, leading you back under the covers and tucking you in. Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, she sat by your side, stroking your hair away from your warm forehead until she began to hear quiet snores.

"Goodnight mi Chiquita." Placing one last kiss against your temple, she stood from the bed, walking out of the room with a sweet 'sleep well' and heading back to her own room to get some rest before the day ahead.

Dreams came quickly as you finally rested under Amy's gentle touch, the exhaustion of sickness quickly catching up to you now you'd been soothed into sleep.


Waking up as sunlight began to peek through the curtains, you rolled over and reached blindly for you phone.

6:23 am.

Just over an hour until you should be leaving the house with Amy and heading to the store; an inevitability bustling and busy day ahead of you. Pushing yourself into a sitting position, you let out a deep sigh - still drowsy with sickness - and forced yourself out of bed.

Standing up, you trudged into the hallway, walking half-asleep in the direction of the bathroom to get ready for work. As you arrived outside the door, you reached for the handle, surprised to find it pulled from your reach and Amy stood on the other side of it.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now