Black Friday

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"Here we go." Jonah flicked his camera to start recording, scanning his surroundings as he filmed the before at what would surly be the shit-show to top all shit-shows. He hadn't stopped messaging you since he'd woken up at 1am, telling you all about his new camcorder and how excited he was for his first Black Friday at the store.

You almost felt guilty at how quickly you knew his dream of a 'good black Friday' would be crushed.

"This is the Super Bowl of retail. There's a buzz in the air, a charge that probably doesn't read on camera. Uh, but over here we have the pre-opening potluck." With Jonah walking closer and closer to the crowd of employees that had been gathered at such an unholy hour to open the store, you could feel said tension that 'didn't read on camera' - and you hoped Garrett didn't snatch the camera from Jonah's hands and break it as much as he looked like he wanted to. "Every employee brings a dish, much in the spirit of sharing. Isn't that a delightful tradition, Amy?

"Yeah, I love waking up at 3:00 a.m. to eat Sandra's cold spinach casserole." Amy sassed, letting out a deep sigh as she scooped another spoonful of the cold casserole onto her plate.

"It's meant to be served cold." Sandra snapped back, the early hour bringing out a more angered side in even her, who was ever the peacemaker.

"Okay, Garrett, any advice for my first Black Friday?" Jonah asked, turning the camera to face Garret, who had a scowl settled on his face as he placed forkful after forkful of food into his mouth.

"Get that camera out my face."

"All right, not a morning person." Jonah brushed off Garrett's unusual aggression, blaming it on the early hour, and turned to Cheyenne in hopes of getting a genuine, better response. "Cheyenne, how about you? How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I think I hit something with my car, but I was too tired to check." Cheyenne admitted, though without remorse as he slouched into the palm of her hand, prodding at the food that remained on her plate.

"Well, that's alarming." Jonah gulped nervously, finally turning to you - who had been observing the progression of his documentary - and asking you the deeded question. "Y/n! How are you finding this joyous morning?"

"I am running solely on caffeine and fear. I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about today." You admitted, deciding to ease Jonah into the heartbreak he would feel if he thought today would be anything close to good. "Guess how many red bulls I've drank so far?12."

"That doesn't seem safe for-"

"Okay, attention, everyone." Glenn interrupted Jonah's display of concern, address the crowd that was gathered around the potluck. "Black Friday is the most important day of the year. And the key to getting through it is to stay calm. No matter what happens, I am gonna stay Obama cool."

"Okay, Chris, we all know how you feel about Obama. You can stay George W. Bush cool. Remember how calm he was on 9/11? Well, not that this is gonna be 9/11. This is gonna be better than 9/11. No, why do I keep saying 9/11?" Glenn rambled, quickly getting lost in the metaphor - and a bad one at that.

"What's 9/11?" Garrett asked with a straight face, a chocked laugh coming from you at despair that crossed Glenn's face.

"You didn't hear?"

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now