Guns, Pills and Birds

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You tapped your feet against the floor, in time with the music that played through your headphones, the sweet tunes of Fleetwood Mac filling your head. Pulling Marcus's jacket tighter around yourself, you shuffled deeper into the stiff hospital waiting room chair - leaning your head against the wall of the waiting room, you let out a long sigh, the length of the day finally getting to you as you waited for Marcus.

Between quietly humming the tune of the song you were listening to and taking occasional sips of the water-like, cup of coffee your eyes had closed and you had dozed to sleep.

Soft murmurs and gentle shaking woke you from your stupor; Marcus stood above you, his hand wrapped around your arm, moving it lightly back and forth, and the other tucked into his pocket. The light of the day was long gone, wisps of sunlight over the horizon and the moon ready to take its place.

"I can't believe you're still here." Marcus muttered, placing his hand in the crease of your elbow and pulling you up out of your seat and close by his side. "Do you know how late it is?"

"I promised you I'd wait." You whispered, sleep still lacing your words as they came out slightly slurred and unsure. Rubbing your eyes, you blinked a few times, becoming more and more awake as Marcus walked you out of the hospital and towards the bus stop. "How come it took so long? Not that I mind."

"Doctor did a general check up on me while I was there, I hadn't been to the doctors in a while." As you walked out across the parking lot of the ER, Marcus pulled you even closer into his warm side, the dark of the night worrying him slightly.

"Well, I hope everything's good." You mused, leaning into the warmth Marcus provided against the cold night. "Wouldn't want anything happening to you, now would we?"

Arriving at the bus stop, you waited in silence for the bus back in the direction of the store to arrive. For the first time in a while, it felt as though there was no tension between the two of you, the two of you simply enjoying the others presence without worrying about about anything else. As you stepped on the bus, Marcus paid for your ticket, insisting that it was the least he could do after you'd brought him his thumb, and walked you up the aisle, settling for a seat in the middle of the bus.

He offered you the window seat, sitting down beside you, shoulder to shoulder. Looking out the window, you pulled out one of the earphones, holding it out for Marcus to take - Marcus taking the white earbud from you and gently placing it in his right ear, pulling the two of you closer once again by the limit of the wire. At the soft lull of Bon Iver, you rested your head against Marcus's shoulder, already being pulled back to the realm of sleep from the gentle vibrations of the bus, the warmth of Marcus and the softness of his grey jumper.

Marcus rested his head a-top your own.


As the bus got closer to the store, Marcus shook you awake once again, giving you time to stir from your slumber before you'd have to get up and off of the bus. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you apologized for falling asleep on him, which he shrugged off instantly advising you not to worry - it wouldn't kill him.

Standing from your seat, you walked out into the dark night and the cloud 9 parking lot, thanking the bus driver as you went. Marcus's hand found its place on the small of your back, guiding you through the parking lot in the direction of his lone car. Though you'd argued against him giving you a ride back home, he'd once again insisted it was the least he could do for you.

Getting into Marcus's car, you tucked away your phone and headphones into your bag, allowing the mellow sounds of the radio to fill your ears this time. Looking around the vehicle, you noticed it was littered with empty water bottles and carelessly thrown hoodies across the backseat; it was very Marcus in a way that you could definitely get used to. You smiled to yourself, bashfully looking down at your lap at the thought; you could definitely get used to spending time alone with Marcus.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now