Colour Wars

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"Shh. It's gonna be okay." You heard Cheyenne sooth a teary-eyed Dina as you walked into the break room with Jonah, Amy and Mateo.

"What happened?" Jonah asked, a worried look forming on his face.

"Jeremy died this morning." Cheyenne blankly stated, a round of gasps coming from the four of you who had just entered the room. You'd just been working with Jeremy yesterday, and for him to be gone so suddenly was extremely shocking.

"No." Mateo cried, his hand coming to rest painfully above his heart.

"Jeremy died?" Amy asked, shock filling her words. Despite the urgency to know, Dina continued to stay silent, Cheyenne gently rubbing her arm.

"Jer, the tall guy? He was so young." Jonah shook his head, turning to face you and gauge your reaction. Though he was simply met with you blankly staring into the space before you.

Finding out Jeremy had died definitely wasn't something you'd expected this morning.

"Oh, I called it. You can't be that tall and live." Garret remarked, his hand pushing a warm cup of coffee out from in-front of him and into the space to his right. Made specially for you, all you had to do was take it.

"No. Not stupid, tall Jeremy. I wish he'd die. My bird Jeremy. One day he was alive, and then the next..." Dina's words faded out, her lips trembling as she struggled to stop tears from flowing, the sudden death of a lifelong companion hitting her hard.

"Oh Dina," You frowned, leaving the group you were stood with and making your way into the empty chair next to Dina, wrapping your arm around her shoulders as Cheyenne continued to rub her arm.

"I had him since he was a little..." Dina tried to finish her previous sentence, though the words quickly befell her as she, once again, become chocked up at the thought of losing her beloved Jeremy.

"Bird? Little bird? She was probably gonna say "little bird." I'm sure he's in a better place. Right, Mateo?" Cheyenne asked, motioning for Mateo to come and sit with her and Dina. You pushing up out of your chair to make space for Mateo.

Rubbing Dina's back one final time, you left the table, heading straight for the still-warm cup of coffee Garret had waiting for you. Boy did you love him for that. Though you'd never asked for him to do it, your morning ritual of meeting him in the break room - coffee already made and waiting - reminded you everyday of how good a friend Garret was.

"Damn, man, I tried to get it off, but no one would cover my shift." Garret whined, dreading the day ahead of him. While you never minded days like these, it still wasn't the funnest thing to do; on days like this you felt far too pressured to not slack off for your and Garrets liking.

"I would've covered for you Gare, but unfortunately I already was working this shift." Settling down into your seat, you picked up the warm mug, taking a hesitant sip as to not burn yourself.

"Go back to your old shift pattern doll, it'd make my life easier." Garret jokingly whined, pushing you gently away from his side.

"Oh you wish. I can't believe you're trying to get rid of me! Do you really hate seeing me so much more?" You teased, placing a hand over your heart as if his words had truly wounded you.

"I could never get sick of seeing you doll, don't worry." With a cheeky wink from Garret you let out a short laugh, pushing him as he had you before.

"I would've stayed home, but Emma needs braces and they just cut back on Adam's hours at work, so I need the money." Amy reinforced just how bad today would be, wishing she had just stayed home. Looking at the way Amy's forehead creased tightly you made a mental note to speak to Amy about contributing to rent and such again.

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