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"This is nice, huh? Taking a well-earned break with my co-workers. I feel like I'm finally fitting in here." Jonah said smugly, shuffling back into his chair trying to get comfortable.

"You don't get to decide when you're fitting in." Amy said, looking pointedly at Jonah from where she sat across from him.

"We'll let you know." You added, glaring at him over the brim of the steaming cup of coffee held tightly in your grasp. Jonah wiggled his eyebrows at you, dissolving your glare into a fit of laughter.

"I'm just saying I'm getting used to it. Ugh. Not getting used to standing all day." Jonah pulled his leg up to his chest, stretching as he held onto his knee and began to roll his ankle in a circular motion.

"That's not a problem I have to deal with." Garret replied bluntly, causing you to choke on your coffee slightly.

"Yeah, well, lucky you, my friend. Not luck, lucky not lucky you. That's I don't think you're lucky." Jonah stumbled over his words, his attempt at trying to not sound offensive failing miserably.

"So you think I'm unlucky?" Garret asked, easing his eyebrow in question at Jonah, who had a deep red, hot blush flushing his cheeks up from his neck.

"Not well, you know what I mean. That's an... it's an expression." Jonah concluded, desperately trying to move the conversation forward without digging himself a deeper hole.

"Why don't you just eject right now?" You said to Jonah, not excepting a response, more suggesting he stop before he says something stupid. Jonah had an affinity for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time: he didn't seem to pick up on the queues you and Garret seemed to, and it always dug him into a deep hole.

"You know, it's so weird that your feet hurt, because every time I see you, I feel like you're sitting." Mateo snarked, trying - as ever - to show his ability was better than Jonah's.

"Try doing this job six months pregnant." Cheyenne groaned, rubbing her hand across her swelling stomach as she spoke. You couldn't wait for baby Chey to be born, Cheyenne was super cool, so you knew her kid would be too.

"Yeah, seriously. That's brutal." Amy winced at the thought of working while pregnant again. Emma had been a toddler when you'd started, but even then she could be a handful; any time Amy had to bring her into the store, it'd make for an eventful day.

"I didn't know you were pregnant too." Jonah said eyes wide, looking across Amy's body as of to try and find the sign of a bump.

"I was when I was 19." Amy reply was blunt, causing you to choke on your warm coffee yet again - you'd have spat out more of this cup than you'd have drank at this rate.

"Then I gave birth to my daughter. So I'm not pregnant now, but thank you for thinking so." Amy said with a cheeky smile, hidden behind her cup, clearly trying to make Jonah flustered by his words.

"I didn't mean you look pregnant. I just meant..." Jonah never finished his sentence, the hot flush filling his face and making him choke on his words.

"Eject. Eject!" You and Garret stage whispered at Jonah, desperately trying to prevent him from causing anymore anguish with his words.

"I didn't know that you had a child. I, listen that's I think that's beautiful. Really, I'm in awe of single mothers. So..." oh God. Why couldn't Jonah ever just shut his mouth?

"I'm married." Amy's words made Jonah completely freeze, you leaning across the table and raising two fingers to his neck to check he still had a pulse or if Amy's words had killed him completely.

"Ooh! You should've just ejected, man." Garret jeered, a smug smirk filling his face. He knew Amy had a husband, and he told Jonah to stop talking - but boy does that man never listen.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now