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"So we're, we're not sure if it's the same raccoon, or a cousin, or just a brand-new raccoon. Does anyone have any questions about the raccoon?" Glenn's eyes scanned across the crowd that stood before him in at the front of the store. "Jonah."

"Yeah, I have a question about the layoffs."

It had been a nice and slow morning at the store so far. The gentle pitter-patter of rain reverberated round the store in a mellow tone, the repetitive, soothing sound enough to make you fall asleep where you stood. Your coffee tasted extra good and you'd been taking a bite of Marcus's donut every time he offered it to you from the arm that was slung over your shoulder.

"Whoa, wait. There's layoffs? When did this happen?" Marcus asked, standing straight as he address the crowds, staring down a squirming Glenn.

"We found out at Cheyenne's wedding." Dina dismissed before turning back to face Marcus slowly. "Weren't you there, Marcus?"

Marcus shrugged, face flushing as he remembered that people had seen him at the wedding and he'd not just attended. The thought process wouldn't have made any sense to anyone else. "Yeah, but only as y/n's plus one. Follow up question." Pointing across the crowd at Cheyenne, he frowned. "Why wasn't I officially invited to your wedding?"

"We were keeping it small." Cheyenne was lying through her teeth; you'd both attended her wonderful wedding and knew it was far from small. But you couldn't blame the girl for trying not to hurt anyones feelings.

As the new start complimented Cheyenne on her wedding, Marcus let out a whine, it finally clicking that the 'keeping it small' comment had been a white lie in attempt to spare his feelings. Pressing a kiss to his shoulder, you hoped to make him feel better, though the frown that held place on his face seemed unmoved.

"Glenn, why don't you just tell everybody who's getting laid off." Garrett suggested, everyone agreeing with the sentiment. It would be so much worse to wait the day out unknowing of if you'd still be here tomorrow.

"I don't know." His answer was earnest, but not what most people wanted to hear; Glenn cared far too much about his employees to make such a rash decision on such an important matter. "But! But I have until the end of the day to decide. So in the meantime, a few words about firework safety."

"No one cares about firework safety!" Mateo snapped, knuckles turning white around his café coffee cup.


"Glenn, it's not fair to make everyone wait until the end of the day." Amy clarified, a hand running over her face as she urged Glenn to get on with the one task he had to complete today. The sooner he got it all over with the better.

"Okay, I'll, I'll tell you as soon as I decide, but in the meantime, let's just try and forget it, and have a nice, normal day. No, in fact, let's have the best day ever! Okay?" Glenn's usual, cheery demeanour seemed to return in an instant, bringing a smile to your face. Perhaps today would run smoother then he'd clearly thought it would. "'Cause for six of you, it's gonna be your last."


At the reinforced news of layoffs, you decided you didn't really have to participate in working today, knowing - just like everyone else - you could be at risk. And if you were one to go, they'd have to pay you a certain amount of shifts in advance anyway, so it wasn't worth the effort.

Besides, the rainy weather was making you feel rather sleepy anyway.

"It's just another example of corporate greed run amok. You know? The fat cats keep filling their coffers." Jonah folded another shirt against the table in soft lines, ranting to himself as you and Garrett remained silent, lost in thought. "Tired?"

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now