Seasonal Help

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"I can't fucking believe that Glenn hired Adam." You scoffed, slouching down into your chair and cradling your warm cup of coffee between your hands as a scowl settled on your face. Of all the things that could've happened, you firmly believed this was the worst - though you respected Adam enough, it wasn't enough for you to not complain about him at every given opportunity.

"Dude's a complete clutz - and on top of that a 'grade A' asshole - he's not going to get anything done, he has all the competency of a new-born baby. He'd loose his head if it wasn't attached to his neck!" Swirling the bitter liquid around the half-empty mug, you sighed before taking another sip, allowing the coffee to burn against the roof of your mouth before swallowing the drink. "I just don't know what Glenn was thinking."

"I'm sensing some unresolved tension there." Garrett commented, a brash laugh escaping your chest at the nuance of his words. 

"Really?" You asked, biting back another bitter laugh. "I thought I sounded totally chill."

Garrett wasn't wrong. Though it had been months since Adam had told your secret in front of the entire store, you still held a lot of resentment over it - it had been your secret to share, not his, and he hadn't given you that chance. Let alone regarding the fact that he had never truly apologised for what he did. Sure, he had gotten Amy to tell you he was sorry - but as far as you were concerned, that didn't count. You'd accept his apology when he said it to your face, with his his mouth this time.

"And also." You continued, taking in a deep breath before shuffling closer towards Garrett. "There are far too many people in the breakroom for my liking. I hate the seasonal help."

Sinking deeper into your seat, and now Garrett's side, you let out a deep sigh, deciding then and there you were going to do anything and everything you could to get out of working with anyone or anything today. You highly doubted most people would still be here come the end of the first shift - Adam included - and you hoped if you could skive today, you could avoid working with him all together. 

"Okay, everyone. Good morning! Let's settle down. Um, 'tis the season. And I'd like to give a permanent welcome to all our new temporary workers in the light blue vests." A round of applause ensued at Glenn's command, you and your fellow permanent workers welcoming all of the temporary workers. "Now, I haven't put all the faces to the names yet, but I do know that you are Reggie and and we now have a Black Todd. Nope, you'll just be Todd. Uh, you'll be White Todd? Thank you. And, uh, oh, and this sweetheart here is Opal, who, at 90 years old, I think is the oldest employee we've ever had."

"Oh, and lastly, let's give a big Cloud 9 welcome to Amy's better half, Adam Dubanowski." While others called for Adam's welcome, you booed - though only loud enough for Garrett to hear who elbowed your sharply in the side despite how he tried to control himself from laughing.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you all not to treat me any differently just 'cause I'm sleeping with the boss." Adam announced, rising from his chair and addressing the whole room, receiving few laughs at his comment.

"He means Amy, not me. I'm not gay." Glenn reaffirmed, eliciting a chuckle from you, the comment seeming to break the tension that had formed in yourself.

"Anyway, if you have any questions about Amy, come see me. I've got all the dirt." Of course Adam would say something like that; God, he'd been here for all of five minutes and was already getting on your nerves.

"Seriously?" Amy spat, turning to face Adam with a frown on her face, her arms folded angrily across her chest. 

"Oh, right. Sorry, Bean." Adam's apology seemed sincere enough, though the mindless use of the nickname seemed to be digging him a deeper and deeper hole.

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