The Stone Cold Truth {sub part}

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Having gathered your stuff from Jonah's apartment, and spending a solid 20 minutes convincing him you could walk back to the store on your own, you were now stood waiting next to Amy's car. Ready for today to be over, you let out a tired huff, unsure of when Amy would be getting to the car despite a message saying she would be there in a moment.

Closing your eyes, you took in a long and deep breath, allowing your shoulders to relax - todays events slowly being pushed from your mind as you focused on staying awake.

"Y/n! Y/n, you'll never guess what just happened?" At hearing Amy's voice you snapped awake, leaning in her direction as she whisper-yelled at you across the parking lot. "I took the job."

Straitening up, you left your position leaning against the side of the car, running across the parking lot and meeting Amy halfway in a tight embrace.

"You took assistant manager? Ames." Holding each other tightly, you jumped together on the spot, excitement filling the both of you. "I'm so happy for you!"

"I can't say I'm not slightly confused though, this is a different take from this morning." Pulling away from Amy, you moved to her side, linking arms with her as you walked towards the car.

"Glenn just seemed so overwhelmed, I couldn't help myself." Amy admitted, walking around the car to the drivers side, unlocking it in the process.

"So I accepted the job, and then he said 'there are a lot of perks, like 5% additional discount, financial aid for continuing education, and uh, a closer parking spot.'" Amy revealed, mimicking Glenn's voice and opening the car door and climbing in, you doing the same to the passenger side seat.

"Wait, what?" You asked in shock, pausing halfway to plugging your seatbelt in. "They help you pay for college classes?"

"Yeah, they cover half. Half!" Amy cheered, practically buzzing in her seat at the knowledge that from know on she could worry less about the cost of night classes that had previously been worrying her so deeply.

"Half? Ames! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you." Amy brushed off your words with a sheepish smile, a blush covering her face as she set the car in reverse. After a few beats of comfortable silence, you looked fondly over at the woman beside you.

"I missed this. Driving home with you. I feel like we haven't done it in a while, what, with everything that's been going on." Looking at Amy wistfully, a loving smile settled on both of your faces, relishing in each others presence for the first time in a while.

Over the past few weeks, you and Amy had barely left the store at the same time. Whether it be because you were on opposing shifts, or different days entirely, she had college to attend or you hung around late with Garret or Jonah, you just hadn't had time for your late night drives home together. And only as you sat here now, driving home together for the first time in a while, did you realise just how much you'd really missed it.

"Me too Mi Chiquita, me too." Amy mused, looking at you briefly with a fond smile on her face, before turning back to face the road as she drove out of the cloud 9 parking lot and headed on your journey home.

"From what I've heard though, you have found someone else to keep you company on your way home." Amy's words were filled with a teasing tone, her eyebrows wriggling suggestively as she continued to drive down the road.

"What? I don't- who said- what?" Your words came out in a scramble, trying desperately to piece together what Amy was suggesting as you spoke. While there was the obvious solution, you had been hoping that no one had noticed the tension between you and Jonah that had formed since the night you'd been locked in the store. And you hoped even more she didn't have an inkling about your feelings towards Marcus, because you were sure you would never hear the end of it.

"You two should talk quieter if you don't want people to hear you. Besides, I had barely walked away when he asked you to 'come for breakfast' so you could 'talk about it.'" Amy answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, her dismissive tone soothing you as you knew this wouldn't be a bigger deal then it had to be. "So, what happened between the two of you?"

"Oh, you know, nothing important." You replied, shifting nervously in your seat, hoping Amy would believe your lazy attempt at an excuse.

"Sure. Well, I won't push, but I hope you feel like you can tell me when you're ready." Amy's words filled you with warmth, reminding you that she was more than just a friend you could gossip to: you trusted her more then anyone else. And if you were going to tell anyone? It would be her - knowing she would at least keep the jokes until private moments, unlike Garret who you had no doubt would accidentally expose your secret due to its sheer store scandalous-ness.

"Jonah kissed me." At the blank expression that formed on Amy's face, you panicked, worried that it had been the last thing she'd have wanted to hear. "Well, it was more like an intense make out session. I kissed him back, of course, and it wasn't - it wasn't bad, in fact it was quite good."

Glancing over at Amy you saw her nod her head, listing intently to all you had to say, hoping that you'd be able to get if all off of your chest. You however, mistook her silence for upset, and continued rambling in hopes of explaining yourself.

"But I told him while I did like him, I don't want things to change between us." Amy winced harshly at your words. "And it sucks ass, because I like Jonah, and I would be with him, but I like this other guy more, and now he's going out with Dina-"

"Holy shit." Amy slammed down on the breaks, jerking the two of you forward at the impact of the sudden stop. Swallowing harshly after choking on her own breath, she turned to face you, eyebrows creased tightly in the centre of her forehead. "The guys going out with Dina? His loss."

"You know what's strange? Jonah said the same thing."

"So why aren't you dating him then?" Amy's question hit you like a ton of bricks. Why weren't you dating Jonah when all he'd been was good to you? "Jonah's a good guy, sure he's like incredibly annoying and full of himself, but a good guy."

"I don't feel like it's as simple as that. Jonah's great. And I like him - I really do - but It's not fair for me to date him when I like someone else." Taking in a deep breath, you continued. "I couldn't kiss him again because I know I'll just be thinking about someone else."

The stone cold truth.

Talking your situation out with Amy had been the best decision you'd made yet: you'd known in yourself it wouldn't be fair to go out with Jonah, but even you hadn't been able to figure out exactly why. And putting it into words was all the realisation you'd needed. Jonah was a great guy, and if there was no Marcus in the picture, you'd have said yes in a heartbeat. But, Marcus was in the picture. And you couldn't be more thankful for it.

He understood you. He was sympathetic to your feelings and shared in your frustrations rather than trying to solve them. He was effortlessly charming and unlike anyone you'd ever met before. Marcus was perfect for you, and if you were to be with anyone? it would be him.

With a new sense of clarity and confidence, you pulled out your phone as you pulled up to the house, opening it and finding Marcus contact. However, as you began to type out your confession, you remembered where he was tonight. Who he was with.

Your feelings could wait for another day.

Rounding the side of the car, you wrapped an arm around Amy's midriff, your head coming to rest on her shoulder as you approached the front door together.

"Thank you Ames, you're a really good listener."

"Of course y/n. That's what I'm here for." With a gentle smile shared, you pulled away, allowing Amy to unlock the front door and the two of you to enter the house. Thankful to finally be able to wash away the events of the previous day and start again tomorrow.


Hey guys!! New mini part for "sub-part Sunday" :D

Full part will be out on Wednesday, although probably quite late as night as I'm seeing Mitski on Tuesday night 😫

Hope you enjoyed!!

As always, have a lovely week! <33

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now