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Walking into the break room on a Monday morning was never fun. Knowing that you had a full week ahead of work dragged all joy out of your body. Mindlessly walking over to your locker, you opened it, shoving in your bag and the contents of your coat pockets.

Upon closing the door, you were startled by the way too close face of Marcus.

"Holy shit, Marcus, that was terrifying." Taking a step back, you created a slight bit more distance between the two of you. "Could've given me a warning or something."

"Sorry y/n," Marcus muttered, a hand coming up to rub the nape of his neck anxiously. "I just wanted to say hi. I'm glad I'm back so we can finally have those shifts together."

"You remembered?" You asked, receiving a wink in response.

"Me too." You confirmed, flashing Marcus a sweet smile. Noticing Glenn had entered the break room, you bid your goodbyes, walking over to the empty chair between Garret and Jonah that had been saved for you.

Upon sitting down, Garret pushed a steaming mug of coffee in front of you, quirking his eyebrow at you in silent question of what was that about?

Shaking your head at him, you turned to face Glenn, taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"Can we please try and shoo the toddlers away from the sunglasses stand? I know that's where they all like to go, but we're getting a lot of damage there. Also from the lower yogurts. They tend to just want to put their fingers in." Glenn announced to the breakroom, his eyes flickering between the group he'd gathered and his clipboard.

"Something going on with you and Dina?" Garret asked, leaning back towards you and Jonah so his words would go unnoticed by everyone else. 

"There definitely is J, its stressfully obvious." You added, bringing your mug up to your lips to have another sip. Looking across the room at Dina, your eyes immediately flickered over to Jonah as you made eye contact with the bird-loving woman, suddenly unnerved. "It's freaking me out."

"No." Jonah insisted, shuffling in his seat under Dina's uncomfortable gaze.

"I don't know, man, you guys are exchanging little peek-a-boo glances, and it's making me uncomfortable." Garret emphasised, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of being trapped under Dina's piercing glare.

"Okay. The other night, when we were all locked in the store, Dina kind of came on to me." Jonah admitted, shifting anxiously in his seat, his hands folded across his lap as his eyes flickered between you and Garret.

"Shit, really?" You asked, louder then you had meant to, receiving a glare from Jonah. That must have been why you'd found him in the photo lab with her; Dina must have wanted to bang Jonah. Face paling at the realisation on what you had been listening in on, you took another sip of coffee, hoping to hide your face behind the cup.

"Wow." Garret whispered, too shocked by Jonah's news to form proper words. "I didn't know Dina was into fancy little porcelain doll-men."

Bringing your hand up to cover your mouth, you tried to keep the coffee in, Garret's comment having filled your chest with unexpected laughter. 

"So, while we haven't caught the raccoon yet, I do feel that we're starting to have a better understanding of his patterns." Glenn's morning announcements continued on in the background, the three of you too focused on Jonah's situation to really care.

"So, you tap that?" Garret asked with a straight face, trying to desperately hide the topic of conversation from the rest of the breakroom.

"Yeah, did you bang in the bang room?" You teased, taking another sip of your coffee, hiding your smile behind the brim of the mug.

𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now