Magazine profile

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"Oh, I would definitely kill a wolf." Garret said turning away from you to look at Glenn, who's voice was a whisper amongst the chatter of the break room.

"Really?" You asked, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "I call bullshit. You could not. At all." Placing your half-drank coffee on the table in front of you, you sighed - Garrets confidence in his own ability was something else.

Dina hit the table in front of you hard, causing you to jump as the table shook and a loud chap sounded around the break room.

"Oh, oh, oh. Okay. Okay. Today is a, uh, very exciting day, because "Stratus" is doing a profile on our store. Yeah, ooh! Oh, yeah!" Glenn said proudly, finally being able to get his morning speech out as the break room had silenced.

"What's "Stratus"?" Jonah asked, causing you and Garret to let out deep groans. You'd already heard about Stratus too many times.

"Um, only our internal corporate magazine!" Mateo jovially answered, still on the high of his new job; and clearly trying to suck up to Glenn.

""Magazine" isn't exactly accurate." Amy started, folding her arms across her chest as she sank into her seat.

"It's more like misleading propaganda." You finished, picking up your mug and taking a long sip of your still warm drink.

"No, it's not!" Glenn demanded, his words coming out as a whine. Clearly this meant a lot to him that Stratus were going to be in store.

""Minimum wage is maximum fun!"" Amy read the cover of the magazine she'd just picked up off the table, sarcasm lacing her words.

"It is!" Glenn moaned, pushing his hands to his side, almost like a toddler having a tantrum.

""Work it Off: A Guide to Injuries on the Job."" Jonah added, grimacing as he read the unfortunately true title.

"Oh, that is a super fun read." Glenn said pointing to the magazine Jonah was holding.

"Oh yeah, I loved 'working it off' when I broke my leg." You said to Glenn, the sarcasm completely going over his head. It'd been three years since you'd broken your leg trying to use the forklift - as unfortunate as that day was, what wasn't was how it just so happened to flare up in pain whenever you were asked to help out in the warehouse. Funny that.

"See! Even y/n agrees, and she had to do exactly that." Glenn waved his finger in-front of his face as he spoke, still trying to make Stratus seem cool and interesting.

"They had you working on a broken leg?" Jonah asked as he leaned over towards you, concern filling his features.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad though, it meant I didn't have to do anything but checkouts for 6 weeks. I had a great time." You whispered in response, trying to seem like you were listening to Glenn as he spoke.

"Wow. And you didn't even get a pay out? Bummer." Jonah said, focus intently on the article in front of him, suddenly filled with overwhelming concerned for how he'd be treated if that - or worse - happened to him.

"What? No. I got a 5k pay out and they covered my hospital bills. I told them my dad was a lawyer and he'd sue them if they didn't give me some kind of compensation." You scoffed at Jonah underestimating you, no way would you have let corporate get away without giving you nothing.

"You dads a lawyer? That's so cool! What kind of-"

You cut Jonah off quickly, Turing to face him as you said, "I was lying dude."

Without waiting to see his reaction you turned to face Cheyenne as she began to speak.

"Ooh, there's a jingle-writing contest. Bo could enter that. If he won, he could stop dancing for his Mom's friends." You cringed at the thought of Bo doing anything, especially dancing for his moms friends.

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