Christmas Eve

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"Wait, so, tell me it again." Jonah pleaded, his arms folded and pressed against the side of the customer service counter, doing his best to stare you down where you sat on the countertop next to Garrett. "Please. It's the least you could do."

"Dude, come on, don't you think you've heard it enough yet?" Garrett asked, turning to face Jonah with a frown deeply settled on his face, almost as sick of hearing the story as you were of telling it. "Cut my poor doll face some slack."

"Come on, J." You pleaded in return, turning to him with clasped hands and a pout on your lips.

"No." Jonah walked around the counter top, coming to your side and knocking into your shoulder with his own. "Your eternal apology is to tell me the story whenever I want to hear it."

Letting out a loud groan, you threw your head back exasperatedly. Of course Jonah would somehow find a way to try and forever punish you for your lack of communication one time.

"Like I said the last 12 times, i pushed you into the bathroom and I went into the other one. Marcus came in and offered to help me clean up, and one thing led to another." Jonah urged you to go on, not taking your short lived explanation as a fulfilling enough story. "He told me he was really scared when he thought Kelly 'stabbed' me, and that it made him think about all the things he didn't get to say to me. And then we kissed."

"And they all lived happily ever after." Garrett concluded, rolling his eyes at Jonah who seemed completely enamoured in the re-kindling of your love life. "Can we be done now?"

"No. I need more." Jonah teased, nudging your shoulder with his own yet again as he pushed and prodded for more details about what happened that night and how you and Marcus got together again.

"That's the whole story." You hummed, jumping off the counter and moving to stand opposite your two boys. "Besides, I called him my boyfriend in our fake murder skit. I guess neither of you noticed."

"Wait what?" Garrett tuned back into the conversation with renewed intrigue, his mouth agape. "You called him your boyfriend before you ever went to the bathroom?"

"Well, yeah. We've been dancing around it since Emma's first-"

"-and last-"

"-day here. You were literally there Jonah!"

"Oh. I didn't like that." Jonah frowned, wincing away from you as his arms folded across his chest. "I don't remember the last time you called me anything but J."

"Well, J, my point stands." Jonah's frown quirked up into a smile as you corrected yourself, his entire demeanour softening. "You've been there for practically every time we've interacted in the store over the past few weeks. Anything you missed, you missed on your own accord."

Jonah's eyes left yours, his gaze moving intently to the floor as he recounted every interaction he'd seen between the two of you over the last few weeks, and damn it you'd been right - he'd been there for a lot of what happened. He even gone as far as to - several times - tell you he was sure Marcus still liked you. How could he have forgot?

"Lets just hope he doesn't start asking about trivia night." Garrett joked, however your face paled as you realised that was one event he hadn't been there for that had happened.

"When did I even fill you in on that?" You turned to Garrett with a harsh whisper, unnerved by his knowledge and they way he'd brought up yet another story you'd have to tell Jonah 10 million times.

"I have eyes everywhere."

"Trivia night?"

"Oh no! Look at the time!" You cried, nervous laughter bubbling past you lips in a mannerism you'd sworn you'd stolen from Cheyenne after so many years spent together. "Things aren't going to stock themselves!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙁 | Marcus WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now