1. Woes Of Adulthood

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Here it is! Enjoy!!


I sigh and switch my phone to the other side as I undo another box. "Yes, mom. I know."

"What about furniture? Did you get the furniture in?"

I look at the boxes and chuckle when I think about the Ikea run we made. I could get used to this life..breaking into an Ikea with a dozen bikers and Kasei looking like she was gonna piss herself the whole time.

"Yes, mom. It came in today. I'm in the process of undoing all our stuff now."

"Our? Make sure you two don't share. You need some of your own furniture that you can take to school, too." She adds.

I bite my inner cheek and make a sound that she interprets as agreement.


"Anyway, mom..we have a lot of stuff to put together now, so I gotta get going..." I glance over at the pieces of coffee table scattered throughout our living room. 

"Oh alright. When are you going to see us again?"

I grimace for a second at the thought of them coming over and criticizing everything. My mom is the kinder one of the two when it comes to that, especially in the company of others, so she said nothing at the party. I just don't want my dad to come and taint my new home with his opinions, and she typically agrees with everything my dad says. "You were at the housewarming Fourth of July party the other weekend."

"Yeah well your father didn't come to that."

"Well I'm not complaining. You're more fun without him anyway." I joke.

I hear a chuckle escape her lips before she covers it with mom scolding. "Don't say that, Dakota."

"Sorry." I roll my eyes. "Anyway I have a lot planned in the next couple days.."

This is a lie. I only work 3 shifts this week, but I know they want to talk about school.

"Well, fine. We can talk about this later. Maybe on the weekend? We need to talk about which school you're choosing." Yep. There it is.

"Uh... yeah I know you do." I scratch my eyebrow and look around our new place. It's beautiful with high ceilings and an entire loft for my art. All for me. No more feeling like an 1800's artist going on a hike so I can get some quiet alone time to paint.

"You know we think you should go with Harvard." Mom adds, interrupting my thoughts.

I make another noise.

"We just worry you aren't all ready for it, and you should be, it's only a couple months away."

I clear my throat. "I really should go.."

"Right. Well you have a good day. We love you."

"Mhm. Bye."

I hang up the phone and sigh again, looking at the piece of couch and the boxes around me.

"Was that your mom?" Kasei, my best friend of 10 years, pops her head into the room, scaring the crap out of me.

"WHAT the hell Kase?" I hold my pounding chest.

She grins and tucks a strand of bright red hair behind her ear. "I scared you." She laughs and pumps her fist in the air. "For once! You're always scaring me and for once I got you back!"

I roll my eyes.

"So you didn't answer the question. Was that Ainsley?"

I chuckle. "Yes." Kasei and my Mom have this interesting relationship, and growing up together, sometimes it'd seem like she was my sister. She came over constantly -whenever she wasn't busy dancing- and so my mom always seemed like the motherly figure to her. "She's asking when she can come by again."

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