25. Who I Am

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*YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY READ MKOP CHAPTER 51/52/53 BEFORE THIS ONE SO YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON. (essentially, the race happened, they won and several days later they're living normal life when JT is suddenly attacked pretty brutally, this is from the Hawk's pov after it went down, not just Kasei's.) {also ch.51-52-53 aren't edited so be aware for plot holes if you do go back and read it}


Blade POV

"What happens when we find him?" Slip calls out.

"We'd need to find someone to..." Piston frowns, drifting off to leave the words silently hanging in the air. Someone to torture. To let them know Hawks can't be messed with.

"We don't have anyone, we don't do this."

"Gut can do it just fine."

"We need to get information, not kill the fucker."

"Obviously I can do both." Gut counters.

"Well what about Bear?" Knuckles scoffs. "He's seen this type of thing before. We shouldn't hand him to some guy who's body count is less than 10."

The men argue over each other until I can't take it anymore. I slam my hand down. "We all know it has to be me." My words come out harsher than I thought they would and everyone quiets.

"Blade." Thorn rolls one of his sleeves back up. "We don't even know what really happened, or why. Boss is being stupidly stubborn about this one."

"We all know that means he didn't get a look at the guy." Gut huffs.

"Yeah, probably." He sighs. "But we don't need to make plans on what to do with him until we actually figure it out. That's why we have to make the list, okay? Any of you could also be the problem." JT has an ego, so getting jumped and not getting sight definitely bruised him, not just physically.

"This is bullshit!" Magdalene stands.

"I agree with Mag!"

"Why are we being forced to take part in this? I've been a solitary Hawk."

Words of agreement and annoyance start to overlap again.

"Yeah, I don't have any enemies."

"Okay!" LeadFoot shouts as she steps up to Thorn and the desk. "Shut the fuck up and sit down."

The men grumble amongst themselves but do as she says. "God." She shakes her head. "I literally cannot stand y'all right now."

Thorn clears his throat. "It doesn't matter if you think you have enemies or not, it's impor-"

"I don't!" Exclaims Magdalene again.

"I promise you really do right now." LeadFoot clenches her jaw and looks to the sky with a shake of her head.

"Honestly, I don't giv-"

"Piston." She interrupts. "I swear to God." Her tone is dripping with venom as she addresses Mag's husband. "If you don't harness your bitch, I am going to knock her out." I try to hide my amusement as Thorn drops his head into one hand with a defeated sigh.

Mag stands, probably about to yell something again, but Piston yanks her back into the seat with an angry whisper about the Taylor family.

"Okay!" Tyler talks over them. "Keils you don't need to threaten." He rolls his eyes and she crosses her arms in defiance as she takes a step back to the wall.

He can't hide the small smirk on his lips as he turns around to address us again. "Obviously tension is high, and this girl is scary so let's try to help each other out."

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