31. Windy City

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"Why did you pack 2 suitcases each?" Blade snorts as he grabs the bags out of the trunk. "We're only here for a few days."

I openly admire how his biceps flex as he puts them down. "You wouldn't get it." I pat his chest, ignoring my body's reaction to the hard muscle against my fingertips. Out of the corner of my eye I feel a certain redhead watching me with a knowing grin and I pull my hand away.

JT continues his explanation, saying something about introduction night.

"Oooh, fun! Are we going to order a pizza and watch a movie?" I can't get the enthusiasm out of my voice.

"We're bikers, not teenage girls." JT laughs.

"Technically we still are." Kasei pipes up in my defense.

"God, I'm so fucking old." Blade lets out a heavy sigh as he scrubs a hand down his face.

I roll my eyes at him with a chuckle. "Shut up, Blade."

"Make me." His eyes have a heat in them I shake my head at.

"One of these days you're going to regret saying that, your face makes a good seat." I retort.

"Dakota." He groans.

I blow him a kiss, following Kase and JT into the building before he can say anything else or yank me back to the car to do things to me...

Pushing the R rated thoughts out of my head, I walk into the clubhouse.

It looks similar to the one back home, full of noise and men in leather who immediately flood us with shouts of delight, jumping at each other and hugging, fist bumping, shouting over each other and pushing.

A rush of air from my left makes me turn my head to see Blade who's wrapped up in a bro-hug by someone almost as huge as he is. It's a moment of chaos, being jostled around but Kasei reaches and grabs my hand tight as I crane my neck to see everything.

This room is packed full of muscled, scarred tattooed bikers. Some are more attractive than others, but most of them are staring at the new females, sending winks our way.

"Holy shit." I gasp. "The testosterone is just oozing from the walls in this place!" I lean in to shout in Kasei's ear. She looks at me with the same wonderment I assume is on my face, rolling her eyes when I fan myself dramatically.

My eyes scatter across the room, looking for the large man who's no longer by my side when suddenly Kasei gets pulled away.

My head snaps towards her, protective instincts flaring up for a second before I realize that she's wrapped up in her mans' arms.

He makes a dramatic announcement to claim her and for a moment my eyes look back to Blade, hoping he'll do the same.

No, Dakota. That's stupid. Don't get all sentimental right now, these guys are trying to talk to you.

"If I'm honest there's a teeny chance I'll remember your name, unless you piss me off." My best friend is saying to the guys now fully invested in this strange new redhead.

I laugh and take a step so I'm beside her again. "Yeah, you don't wanna do that. Seriously." I extend my hand to the guy in front of me. "I'm Dakota." He's on the shorter side, but stocky and oh so fine, with a close crew cut and an earring in one ear.

He grabs my hand and plants a kiss on it with a smirk. "Mac."

I can't hide my surprise at the action, but I say nothing other than: "it's nice to meet you."

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