8. Bad reactions

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I let out a screech when it bounces off and falls, almost as if in slow motion, out of my hand and into the ice bucket.

"MY PHONE!" I yell loudly as it plunks against my almost numb foot, and from in the bucket I hear a watery: "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Everything moves in fast motion as I hear Kasei gasp and I lunge forward, grabbing it out of the bucket, not even caring as the bucket crashes to the ground and splashes water all over the floor.

"Hello?" I basically yell into it.

"This is 9-1-1." Says a staticy voice. "Did you intend to call?"

"No, sorry it speed dialed you." I panic.

"Are you sure you're okay ma'am?"

"Yes, just a little shaken up. I'm fine."

"If you are being held hostage, say 'red'." She instructs quietly.

"What? Hostage? No. It's nothing like that."

"Should we send someone to your location?"

"No. Sorry. Have a good day." I spit out.

"You too, ma'am. I will warn you that prank calling 9-1-1 is against the law, and punishable by a fine of $500."

"I understand. It won't happen again!" I hang up really quickly, and turn to face everyone. "I'm about to die and I lied to the nice police lady." I say.

"Oh lord." Kasei plops more towels in a heap on the floor beside the other two who are trying their hardest to clean up the mess.

"You aren't gonna die!" Growls out JT. "So don't tempt me!"

I frown at him. "That's a threat, J."

"Just get over here and dry the damn floor." Huffs Liam.

"Sorry." I go to step, but grab the bed for support. "I can't feel my foot." I point out.

"Fine. If it's numb, we need to sew you a.s.a.p."

"Okieee." I sit back down on the bed and take another shot.

"Okay, Kasei get me a dry towel." She speeds off and I watch in horror as Doc pulls a needle and thread out of his box.

"Um. Actually I dunno if I wanna watch this." I sputter, feeling a bit sick. Maybe it's all the alcohol, Dakota.

"Just take more drinks. You have 4 shots left on the tray." JT advises.

I close my eyes tight and take the shot from JT, feeling my face crinkle up for the millionth time this afternoon. "I swear I'm gonna get a bunch of wrinkles." I say, amused before noticing Liam prodding my foot.

"OW!" I yell at him.

"You can feel this?" He pokes it again. Nothing.

"Well. Um..." I laugh at his facial reaction.

"Didn't think so." Kasei comes back with the towel and he grabs it from her and dries my foot the best he can.

"How longggg are you gonna take?" I ask him, yanking my foot back as he comes close to touching it.

"Less time if you stop moving!" He huffs.

I giggle. "Okay, okay sorry."

"Uh oh. Giggly Dakota is coming out." Kasei sighs.

"There's a GIGGLY Dakota?" JT throws his hands up in the air.

"Noooo." I giggle again. "I'm just feeling a teeny tiny bit buzzy."

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