38. Don't like you

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Hi friends! 

I accidentally messed up my schedule because this chapter was supposed to be halloweeny instead of the next one, but anywaysssss enjoy it anyway!


also this one's 18+ as always i'll stick the warning before it happens :) 

I love you all and your continued support!!! 


"What about over there?" Gearhead nods ahead. "The girl taking off her pump cover?"

"Where?" I put down the weight and frown. Please don't be talking about...

"Brunette in the pink shorts doing the split squats." He points.

Even from behind I know who it is. The one who occupies almost all my thoughts. Dakota. Fuck. "Oh, yeah."

"Damn, that girl's ass for days..." He whistles

I swallow the urge to knock him out on the spot. "Yeah " I say thickly.

I fucked up. I know I did. Why is it so hard for me to trust? Why can't I just tell her we're exclusive and have everything be fine?

"Man, I'm going to talk to her." He sets down his weights.

"No!" Bursts out of me.

Gearhead snorts. "Why? She got a man?"

She should. It should be me. "I don't know dude, but you don't want to be that creepy guy at the gym hitting on girls do you?"

He clicks his tongue. "Good point. I'll catch her later." He bumps his fist with mine.

I force a smile and bump his, eyes drifting over to her again. She's changed positions, adding more weight so now shes squatting 150 with no spotter. Stupid stubborn woman.

"She needs a spot, dude. I'm gonna..." I turn and realize that he's not listening, his headphones on so he can't hear me. Good.

I quickly head over there, reaching my arms out on either side of her thin frame.

"Fucks sake." She mutters, standing up to rack the weights and take out one airpod before she turns to face me. "What do you want?" Dakota tries to put confidence in her voice but I know how much she likes this shirt I'm wearing as her eyes drift between my arms and face.

Hide ur smile, Blade. "I'm spotting you."

"I don't ne-" she huffs, probably realizing what she's about to say is stupid. "Okay fine."

"I'm curious..."

"I'm curious why you're still talking to me." She interrupts, frowning at me.

"Hostile." My smile grows. "Do you listen to disney when you work out or just when you create?"

Dakota rolls her eyes, but she's grinning and that confirms it. "Just keep spotter distance."

Fuck she's cute. "Of course."

She turns back around and grabs the bar to continue her reps, and just like her request, I stay a good spotter.

"3 more." Dakota mumbles to herself as her legs shake. "1...2..." she stops talking at the bottom of the last rep.

She's not getting up. Fuck. "You got this." I murmur in her ear, tapping her bum twice lightly.

She musters up the strength and stands to rack her weights again.

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