19. Interrogation Time

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I roll up to the giant gates and stop in surprise when they don't open for me. "Umm..." I look at the little buzzer speaker and hesitate for a second before getting out of the car and pressing it.

It makes a crackling sound before a gruff voice answers "Yes?"

"Um, hi. I'm Dakota..."


"DAKOTA." I repeat louder.

"Do we know someone named Dakota?" I hear him mumble to someone on the other end. I strain my ears to hear the response, and jump when he comes back on. "Sorry we don't know who you are. You have 1 minute to get the fuck off our property or you will be removed with force."

"Wait. What? Yes you do! I come here all the time?" not alone, stupid girl. 

"Was I mumbling?" He snipes. "The clock starts now."

"Look...this isn't funny.''

"It isn't to us either. I told you to get off the property."

"How the heck do you not know who I am? I'm one of the waitresses at Joanie's?"

"I don't go to Joanie's. That fact is irrelevant."

"I'm friends with Keila."

"What's her Club name?"

"Uh." shoot. I was not expecting this interrogation time. "Well I don't think she's ever told me that."

"Yeah, so I don't believe you."

"Okay ask me something I shouldn't know." I sigh.

"What kind of bike do I have?" He sasses back.

"Okay, well I don't even know who the fuck you are, so..?"

He snorts. "Well that's convenient for you."

"I just want to see someone."

"Right now? Why?"

"I just need to check on him."

"Not a good reason."

"Okay, well...I'm friends with Kasei." maybe that'll work.

He goes silent for a while. "Boss' girl?"

"YES." I huff, exasperated.

"I don't think she's in."

"I don't care. I'm not here to see her, but apparently nobody else will vouch for me."

"And what makes you think she would?"

"I've been friends with her since I was five. I'm gonna be pretty confident in her loyalty."

"How can I believe you?"

"I can tell you a million details about her that a stranger wouldn't know. I'm best friends with her."


"Yes. For example, she's been schooled online since grade 6 because her dance schedule got too busy. She didn't even go to her own grad. I convinced her to be MY date for grad, and she got so drunk she peed herself while laughing at my gym teacher."


"Yeah well, it's something not everyone knows. She's super thin, which not only means I hate her, but also means she's more lightweight than other skinny people. Five shots and she's hammered."

He chuckles.

"Her mom is a super big bitch, and it caused her to break up with JT for like a week there, also her application dance to NYCB was a total flop. Um," I rack my head. "She sings in the shower. Like loudly. Though that's not surprising. She may seem quiet but she's loud in everything she does."

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