33. Wish

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Happy September friends! 

Good luck with all of you going back to school!! I remember when I binge read wattpad under my desk instead of doing my work :')

Here's a long one for yall


"I'm just glad I don't have to go to all the meetings, I think I'd off myself." A puff of smoke leaves her lips as she talks and I lean back against the deck railing.

"Yeah, sounds boring." I watch as the guys filter out of the room and past the french doors.

"Are you even listening?" Keila kicks my leg.

"Ouch." I frown and turn back to her. "Not really." I admit with a sigh.

"Want a hit?" She holds the joint out for me but I shake my head.

"This whole thing just has me fucked up."

"Don't break your neck but here he comes."

I turn just as he opens the door, buzzcut and permanent scowl, muscles flexing in his jaw as he looks at both of us for a second.

"Hi." I take a breath in, unable to concentrate in his presence.

He's so freaking attractive I hate it.

His eyes dance down my body for a second before he wordlessly turns to Keila. "LeadFoot, boss told me to get you."

"Ugh." She crinkles her nose. "Why?"

"Needs to talk to you."


His eyes rest on me for a second again before he shakes his head. "How the fuck would I know?"

"Alright." She takes a long drag before offering him some.

Blade looks at it for a moment before flicking his eyes to me again and turning around to leave.

"K, bye?" She snorts, before turning back to me. "That guy, hey?"

"Hm." I huff.

"I think maybe you have feelings for him." Keila chuckles as I flip off his retreating figure.

"Are you kidding? That's the 4th time he's just ignored me and not said a word. Maybe before I cared, but at this point I just hate him."

"You hate him." She doesn't sound convinced.

"I do. He wasted my time, acting like he cares and wants to start something with me, and then he goes and ignores me for days? I hate him." I add again, for emphasis.


"No...see, the problem is I hated him when I first met him." I cross my arms, taking a step away from the railing as a chill hits me. "I had a gut feeling then suddenly he was in my guts and so they got confused. But I hate him, and I always will."

"There's a very thin line between hate and love, and I think you're tilting towards the love side."

I scoff. "Not a chance. They're literally opposite emotions, Keila."

"No. The opposite of love isn't hate. It's indifference."

"Okay, pinterest quoter. I'm just saying tha-"

"You feel very strongly. Yeah, you can say it's hate, but the fact is you feel very strongly. Are you gonna tell him?"

"That I hate him?"

She grins. "Unless you can't be in his presence without realizing I'm right."

"Okay, that's just dumb. I don't want to talk to him, I just want to strangle him right now."

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