44. Grumpy Boy

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here's a longer one, i love them :)


I breathe in and out a couple more times, making an effort to relax my face as I stretch with the redhead to my left.

"Okay, now we're going to shift into warrior 3 pose."

"Ugh. I feel so out of shape." Kasei grunts. "Like I'm going to fall over."

"You were the one who texted: I'm joining your yoga circuit tomorrow, wear clothes." I quote with a chuckle, straightening. "And now you're complaining about it?"

"Not complaining, just making an observation, and I appreciate you for getting dressed, I really do."

"Thanks." I get back into position. "It was difficult and I'm uncomfortable."

"Shut up, you're fine." She swats me. It's not hard, but just enough to make my already unbalanced position topple over.

A squeal escapes me as I fall, grabbing her arm on the way down.

Kasei laughs so hard she can barely breathe, just as Rosa walks into the room. "I feel like I just missed something." Her eyes narrow in amusement at us giggling on the floor in workout gear.

"Come join us!" Kasei calls. "We're doing yoga, and I'm not good!"

Her voice is so cheery as she says the last part it cracks me up again and we burst into another fit of laughter.

"Not that I wouldn't love to join..." She pauses, quizzical frown. "Whatever this is, your man is here."

"What?" I sit up straight.

"Sorry, Red. You should clarify, Roz." JT laughs as he comes into view.

"Oh." I slump back at the same time Kasei jumps up and over to him with an excited squeal.

"Wait, so are you and what's his face actually dating now?" Rosa turns back to me, surprised. "Grumpy boy, right?"

A loud laugh bursts out of me at that nickname I forgot we used. "His name is Blade, but yeah."

"He's on his way." JT adds, looking over kasei's shoulder in the hug. "Lost the race at the light, but he'll be here any-"

The door opening interrupts him and it takes everything in me not to launch myself at him like Kase did to JT. Walk slowly like a normal person, D.

"Hi, hi." I kick him gently with the tip of my toe.

He pulls his helmet off, his smile making me breathless for a second. "Hey, you."

"I heard you lost the race."

Blade rolls his eyes, amused smirk across his face. "I didn't lose the race, this fucker basically ran a red light."

"It only was red when you hit it because your POS bike is slower than my grandma with a 1 wheeled walker." JT counters back with a snort.

"You don't even have a grandma, fuck outta here." Blade takes a step towards the living room.

"If I did she'd still be faster than you."

"I have a kid to live for, I'm being safe."

The boys squabble back and forth for a second as me and Kasei roll our eyes. boys.

"ANYway..." Rosa clears her throat. "I originally came in here to say I need you to sign this." She thrusts some papers in Kasei's direction.

"Ah, what is it?" She leans over with a frown as she skims the page.

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