32. Ring Shopping

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**hi! rq reminder you should read MKOP chicago chapters if you want this to make a lil more sense!** 


I absentmindedly tap my end of my painted converse against the wall as I wait.

"Sorry I'm a little late." JT startles me out of my thoughts.

"Hey." I pull him into a friendly hug. "That's all good."

"Kase is hungover." He's not smiling, though the sentence amuses me.

"I don't get hungover, really." I chuckle. "Can't relate."

"How was your night?" He looks marginally pissed at me, and I know he probably blames me for how drunk Kasei was when she got back to his suite.

"Oh you know." I laugh. "How was yours?"

"Dakota.." He's silent for a second, looking for the words. "I'm not in charge of you. Hell, I'm not in charge of any of the girls, really. But you understand that ditching your security can be a really dangerous game, right?"

"Yeah, it wasn't my idea, promise." I hide my laugh. "And besides. How many of these girls know how to fight? We're fine."

"That's true, but still." JT sighs, opening the door for me.

"Okay." I squint at the bright morning sunshine. "I'm sorry Kasei got wasted, but I'm not sorry we went out. We needed to celebrate! Foundation is being laid as we speak, and that's exciting as hell."

"That is exciting, I'm so proud of her." He looks surprised by this information, as if Kasei was keeping it a secret.

"Me too. Did she tell you or did I spoil it?"

"She was very drunk last night and passed out pretty quick, I'm sure she's not intending to surprise me with it."

"I'm just happy she's so happy now, that's all I want for her."

"Me too. We both love the girl."


He jostles his keys as we walk, approaching a jewelry store. "I'm so nervous."

"Psh, she'll say yes. Did you try to get permission? Or just skip that craziness altogether?"

JT stops, his boots squeaking as he does. "Well, I asked Emmaline for her hand but I guess I technically never officially asked you."

I cross my arms. "True. The audacity."

"Can I marry your best friend? I love her and I want her to be my wife forever. She makes me happier than anyone ever has, I just want to hold her and protect her for the rest of our lives. She keeps me on my toes and she makes me laugh. She's so hardworking and passionate and I want to grow with her and build a family and a life with her by my side." He takes a deep breath. "Can I marry your best friend?"

"You're such a sappy fuck, damn." I laugh, clapping him on the shoulder. "Of course you can. She loves you too and I know you haven't been together long but we know what she'll say. Is it this one up here?"

He breathes a sigh of relief, as if for a second he worried I wouldn't approve. "Yeah, let's go."

"Why here?" We continue our easy pace.

"I figured the paps wouldn't notice we left and so it would be able to stay a surprise."

"Smart, look at you already figuring out life in the spotlight." The first time he found out he was on a gossip site he was nearly shitting himself. It was so funny.

"I have a tentative plan but I haven't fully figured it out yet. Do you think she wants a private dinner kind of deal or something with her family?"

"Oh for sure, family and friends. Kasei loves her people." I think about it for a second. I don't know if we've ever talked about exactly how/where/what the ring will look like in terms of her engagement, but maybe it's just because she never thought she'd be settling down.

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