40. Namesake

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Hi it's a little one to give you a little Blade POV before the next chapter happens and you're like wait woah what



Ily all



"Hey bro, thanks for the other day." Gearhead nods at me as I enter the office.

I stop in my tracks, looking down at all the printed blueprint sheets in my arms as I try to figure out what the fuck he's talking about.

"The other day?"

"Yeah." He clears his throat, lowering his voice a bit. "At the gym."

"Oh, yeah, no problem." My mind flashes back to the gym, Dakota throwing her ass against me in the cold changeroom before kneeling on the tile to take me down her throat. Fuck, now I'm hard at work.

I drop the papers down with a thud, cursing as a couple on the top flutter to the ground.

"I gotchu." He rushes over, helping me pick them up.

I'm willing my dick to go down as I restack the papers and think about what he said. "Wait. What about the gym?"


The name washes cold over my skin. "What?"

"Bro, you're so forgetful." He punches my shoulder in what I'm sure is an attempt to be playful but only succeeds in pissing me off.

"You, know. Being such a good wingman. Dakota said to tell you I got her number in case I wanted to be buried in that ass one day."

MY Dakota? Said what?

"So yeah. I appreciate you." Gearhead goes to punch my shoulder again but I catch his wrist, holding it with what I'm sure is too much force as he winces.

"Did she text you?"

"Ow, bro. What?"

"Has. She. Texted. You?" I accentuate each word, trying to curb my anger. She doesn't consider herself yours, Blade. She's said so multiple times and yet you keep pushing her away, of course she'll move on. My mind argues.

"Ah, no. Not yet but I don't wanna chase too eagerly. You know." He tries to pull his arm back, so I let go of his wrist.

Yeah, this goes down the same day I fucked her? Doubtful she's actually over me, she's trying to get a rise out of me.

"What's the issue?" He rubs it with a frown.

I unclench my jaw and try to breathe before I answer, but it's not helping.

"Bro? Am I missing something here?"

I genuinely might kill this idiot.

"Do you know why they call me Blade?"


I don't let him speak, gritting my teeth as I continue. "It's because I was specially trained to filet someone as severely as possible while still keeping them alive, using only a basic tanto blade."

His eyes widen.

"If you touch her, I'll show you how it goes." I don't care how menacing my voice is anymore.

"On..?" Gearhead almost trembles as he asks.

I flip my switchblade out in a flash, pointing it at the center of his chest. "You."

"I-" He doesn't have any words to say, quickly nodding and rushing past me out of the room.


I grab one of our truck keys off the wall of the office, ignoring the paper with messy scrawl: 'sign it out before you leave or I'll beat your ass when you return :)' I'm pretty sure Tucker or Bear wrote this, and I know either one could do serious damage, but I could care less right now.

I round the corner, not paying attention when I almost send Gemini sprawling.

"Oh, woah. What the fuck, watch where you're going." She huffs.

I mumble an apology and continue stomping down the hallway.

"Excuse you?" Gem calls, her loud angry tone echoing after me.

I think I've heard her raise her voice less times than I can count on my hands, so I stop in my tracks. My boots squeak against the linoleum floor, signaling clearly one of the ol' ladies got bored and decided to wax it last night, and I turn around to face the pissed off woman in front of me.

"That's what I thought."

"You really can be sassy." I mutter, despite it all.

"Where the fuck are you running to like a bat outta hell?"

"Nowhere." I fiddle with the truck keys, trying to calm my mind from going 100 miles a minute.

She crosses her arms. "Try again."

"You're going to get pissed again, and I think I'm doing a great job at being irrationally angry enough for the both of us." I honestly tell her.

"You did something to Dakota again and now you're being a pouty little bitch."

Yeah, but fuck you don't need to call me out like that. "I'll be back in a couple hours."

Gemini turns around and heads back into the office, middle finger high in the air. "She doesn't deserve you acting like this. Either make her yours or leave her the fuck alone."

I'm sure I know I don't deserve her at all.

I exit the building, starting up the truck as I speed the familiar route to her place. I don't know why I'm driving, but I need to make sure she knows who she belongs to.


I can't wait til he stops pissing me off, but I love him and I love next chapter. 

also it's 18+ 

sorry, but not really 


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