13. Not a Date

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"Okay I'll be back in a minute." The waiter takes our menus and heads off towards the kitchen.

I cross my arms and lean on the table. "So."

Blade looks at my chest for a split second before copying my movement, crossing his huge tattooed arms. My eyes immediately go to the bulging muscle, and I clear my throat as I uncross mine.

Stupid man.

"So." I repeat. "What do you like to do other then crashing into and injuring innocent ladies?"

"Innocent?" His brows raise slightly.

I roll my eyes and look away from him. "Like for work. What do you do at the Hawks?"

He chuckles. "I'm the head painter in the shop."

"Wait. What? You paint?" I lean forward, intrigued.

Of course this asshole has to be interesting to me.

"Yeah. Well I design too, but when I was head designer I didn't get as much bike time I was mostly just planning for all their clients and watching as it came to life, not actually bringing life."

"That's cool. I'm an artist."

"Really?" Now he sounds intrigued. "What medium?"

I chuckle. "Well, kind of everything. I started with just pencil drawing and acrylic painting, but now I do oils, watercolor, charcoal, sometimes pastel...it really depends on my mood."

"I can understand that. Well good. Variety is nice. It's a fickle industry. Are you doing anything with your talent?"

I feel a grin creep across my face. "How do you know I have talent? I could suck."

"Oh I'm sure your talented at a great many things." Blades voice is low and throaty, sending tingles down.

Get your mind out of the gutter, Dakota. He doesn't mean it like that.

"Sucking included." He adds with that grin.

Okay, looks like he did. But breathe. Don't punch that stupid smile.

"Anyway." I clear my throat. "Um."

The smile goes wider.

Shut up. I wanna say. Instead, "so yeah I actually started selling some of them, I don't know if you know but Kasei is a professional ballerina. Anyway I've done some paintings of her and her mom who's also famous, and a lot of her followers want to buy them if she's signs them. So that's where it is right now, but also if I could get some paintings up in Joanie's or other restaurants and things..." I realize I'm talking a lot. "Yeah. That's the goal I think."

"Cool. Well I think you'll be great."

Compliments. What do I do with compliments. My brain stops functioning for a second. One minute he's grumpy the next he's giving compliments. Fuck do I do with that?

I have no words, but as I'm about to spew more word vomit, the waiter comes with our food.

"Oh thank you it looks delicious." I ordered the garlic butter chicken with penne. Blade got basic tomato marinara spaghetti covered with cheese. It also looks so tasty.

I grab a piece of the garlic toast and take a bite, letting out an involuntary moan. "Oh my goodness."

Blade grins. "I know right? Everything is made in house, bread and the garlic butter and the pasta."

"Impressive." I nod, as I take a mouthful of pasta.

"I love coming here." He nods.

"I definitely understand that."

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