22. Liar

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“I can’t believe he actually said that!” I snort again.
Tidal shrugs. “It worked! Can’t knock it til you try it, right?”
“I suppose.” I shake my head. “But that’s crazy.”
“Hang around more, and you’ll just hear crazy shit, Dakota.” Magdelene laughs.
“Noted.” I grin. I don’t plan on going anywhere.
“Alright, I gotta piss.” Slip announces, causing me and Keila to burst into giggles again.
“Fuckin’ weirdos, these guys.” She smirks, doing the ‘coo-coo’ sign with one finger.
“Move, idiot you’re in the way.” He shoves Ink’s chair as he walks past and I can’t help but giggle again.
“Are they always this mean to each other?” I take another sip of my bubbly as I nod in their direction.
Blade chuckles. “Always. Did you need a refill yet? I’m headed back to the bar.” He stands, one hand resting casually on my back. This is friend behavior, sure. I’m not losing it. sure.
“Oh…uh.” I quickly down the rest of my flute. “I’ll actually get a rosé sangria if that’s possible.”
He nods, hand dragging lightly across my back as he walks away. Breathe in, breathe out.
Cars snorts. “That’s the girliest drink ever.”
“Says the one drinking what? A lemon drop?” Keila pipes up in my defense.
“Whiskey sour.” He argues.
“Pussy. I was drinking that shit when I was 11.”
“Hey. Give me and JT some credit. We kept you away from alcohol until you were almost 14.” Thorn leans in with a dramatized scowl.
“Oh man what a night that was.” She giggles.
“That night was scary, I thought I was going to be killed.”
“Dude you were fine.” She rolls her eyes.
“Your dad was the scariest person I’ve ever met.” He shutters.
“True.” She looks sad for a second before taking a sip of her drink. “Anyway. That’s a good fucking story. Dakota, want to hear the story of the first night I got drunk and my dad almost killed this guy?” Keila elbows Thorn.
“Um, hell yes!” I laugh.
“I was being dramatic, he wasn't actually going to kill me.” Thorn rolls his eyes.
“You got his little girl drunk, he definitely could have.”
“I did not get you drunk, you were drunk and I was there.”
“Okay, whatever.” She rolls her eyes. “Thank god for JT and Ameila that’s all I’m sayin’.”
He turns to the empty seat. “Hey, where’d he go?”
“Oh Kase and him left about 15 minutes ago.” I laugh. “Stop getting distracted and just tell me the story!”
“Okay, so basically I was in the 9th grade…”
“I’m back!” Blade interrupts, placing the fruity drink down in front of me.
“Ooh thank ya. And remind me that this is my last one, I’ve had too many already.” I chuckle.
He looks at me and blinks once. “You don’t like to listen to me, remember?”
I click my tongue. “True, but just make me listen.”
“You don’t want me to make you listen, Dakota. Not in front of everyone.” His voice lowers and I cross my legs to hide the ache that makes me feel.
“Oh…kay.” I clear my throat and turn away from him. “Keils. The story?”
“Eh, I think it’s more of a joint around the fire pit kinda story.” She looks at us, amused.
Blades hand rests on my thigh. Fuck. dude. “Are you sure?” I cross my other leg so his hand falls away.
"I'm sure." She stands with a grin. "I'm actually gonna hit the ladies room."
I take a sip and stand too. "I'll come with!"
"You really don't need to."
I lock my eyes on hers, attempting to silently communicate.
"Alright see you in a bit, boys." She snorts as I follow her.
Moments later, I'm shutting the bathroom door and locking it behind us.
"What's wrong?" She leans against the sink nonchalantly.
"I think we're more than friends." I sigh.
"Okay." She wears an amused grin. "You're not my usual type, but-"
"Keila!" I can't hide my chuckle. "Blade. Me and Blade are more than friends. We keep denying it but I actually can't keep my hands off him. It's a problem."
"Sounds like a good problem to have." She winks. "What's the issue?"
"Well…" I feel myself blush as I try to find the right wording. "We keep accidentally making out."
"Ooooh, get it girl!" She whoops.
"No! no 'get it girl!' every time it happens we agree it'll never happen again and we stop."
"Okay, but you don't want it to stop?"
"I dunno. He annoys the crap out of me but no, I don't want it to stop." I adjust my false lashes in the mirror.
"Did you ask him what he wants?"
I hesitate. "Well, no."
"Okay, well I've seen how he is with you, and I think he wants you too."
"I just wish he'd say that." I let out a frustrated huff. "Because I hate being that girl that cares too much about someone she barely knows and then gets hurt when he leaves."
"Okay, maybe try to test him."
I snort a laugh. "Yeah, no that doesn't work with him. Trust me I've worn the wrong shirt before to test him and it ends up more confusing for me in the end."
"Definitely need to hear that story, but I don't mean recklessly like dropping naked or kissing a guy in front of him because these bikers are a little crazy and that would be a bad idea, just think smaller. Like don't say anything to him, just watch his actions."
"Watch his actions." I repeat.
"Yeah, like if he looks like he's going to kiss you, don't pull away or if he invites you over tonight, take it. You're a chill person. Don't let him drive you crazy."
"He's not gonna invite me over tonight, we said we're just friends." I gnaw on my inner cheek.
"Okay, but if he does what're you gonna say?"
"Why? I thought we were just friends?"
Keila frowns. "No."
"You're right. That's dtr, and I don't care. Um I'll just say sure."
"Sure. Perfect! Now did you actually have to pee or did you just want me to tell you you're being crazy again?"
"Yeah, the latter." I laugh as she goes into the stall. "I'll meet you out there okay?"
"Sounds good!"
I make my way back through the throng of people, eyes fixed on the man at the table. One of the guys makes a joke and he bursts into laughter, head thrown back. Just like when we first met, the sound has me transfixed.
"What's so funny?" My hand casually slides down his suit arm as I sit beside him.
"Eh, nothing of importance." Ink chuckles. "Crazy clients asking for crazy designs."
"Gotcha." I take a sip of my sangria as a different conversation starts between the boys and Magdalene.
"Did you have fun talking about me?"  Blades lips suddenly graze my ear as he leans in.
I take another large gulp of my drink. "I don't talk about you."
"Is that so?" He leans away an inch.
"Yes it is."
He hums. "Dakota, you're not good at lying to me."
I sip my drink. "I don't like you."
"So you say, but like I said you're not a very good liar." His gruff voice is doing tingly things to me and I cross my legs, willing my body to stop. "Does it bother you when I get close?" Blade leans back in, close. Too close. His scent is intoxicating my already tipsy self.
I clear my throat, ignoring him.
"That's what I thought."
I roll my eyes, downing the last ¼ of my drink. "Maybe I will have another."
He chuckles, breath still frustratingly close to my neck. "You will not."
"I take back what I said before, I don't listen to you."
"You will." That stupid smile is back, but before I can come up with a witty response, he stands. "Okay, well this was fun but I think we're gonna head home." He announces to the handful of men in front of us.
I frown, standing with him. "You and me?"
"Yes." He drapes his leather jacket over my shoulders.
"Wha?" I frown up at him. "I don't need ur jacket." Shut up Dakota.
"I don't care." His hand is on my lower back, lips brushing against my ear again as he leans to speak. "Walk."
"You're so bossy." I snort, doing as he asks anyway.
"You have no idea." Blade chuckles lowly, hand drifting down an inch. That's my ass, Blade. "See you guys." He nods to the boys.
I wave, making eye contact with a very smug Keila.
"Where are we going?" I ask as we make our way through the room of bikers.
"My place."
I remember what Keila was saying and I shrug, pulling my arms into his jacket. "Sure." His smell overwhelms my senses and suddenly I don't mind wearing it.
He looks surprised. "Did you just agree?"
I giggle. "Very occasionally you have good ideas, don't let it get to your head."
"And compliments. That's rare for you. I thought you didn't like me." We reach the truck and he opens the door for me.
"I don't usually.”
“Well I didn’t give you dino nuggets today, so I wasn’t sure I qualified.”
“You don’t. I'm just drunk." Liar.
"Right." He nods as I get in.
"Right." I chew my inner cheek as he gets close.
He's quiet for a few seconds, just leaning close to me.
"What are you thinking?" I whisper, breaking the silence.
He hums, stepping away from me as if he's not going to answer me. "Of the other day and how I'd love to taste more than just your lips."
“I-” I’m literally at a loss for words.
“You look stunning in that dress.” He flashes that smirky smile and shuts the door, getting in on his side without another word.
I cross one leg over the other as he starts driving. Ignore the feelings.
“Are you getting bothered?” He doesn’t even look at me, street lights illuminating his smug grin.
“No.” I lie.
“I’ve already told you that you’re not good at lying to me.”
“Well.” I clear my throat. “I’ll just say this wasn’t a great day to skip underwear.”
He swerves into the side of the road, hitting the hazard lights as he parks.
“Chill.” I giggle, pleased to have the upper hand again.
He curses and looks at me with darkened eyes. “You’re not wearing panties?”
I grin. “I tend to do that a lot. They kinda bother me.”
“Dakota.” He breathes out. “Fuck.”
“We’re already at the turnoff to the compound, can you just drive?” I tuck one of my curls behind my ear.
“Oh the things I want to do to you.” It comes out as a desperate groan, and I can't help but chuckle as he speeds back onto the road.
“Can’t threaten me with a good time.”
All too soon, he’s pulling into the back lot and parking the truck. I open my door, but before I have a chance to step out, Blades pulling me to him and then slamming me against the cold metal of the door.
“Blade!” I gasp out as his lips meet mine. Hot, demanding, rough. My arms loop around his neck, pulling him into me. More, more, more.
“We really should stop doing this.” Blade chuckles darkly as he lips leave mine.
“Why’s that?” I gasp as his hands roam my body.
“You’re drunk.”
“Dakota.” His hands start tracing up my leg, past layers of tulle.
“I want you when I’m sober, Blade.” I gasp. “I wake up, drenched at the dreams of you. I want you all the time and it makes it so hard to dislike you.”
“Is that so?”
His fingers. Oh. fuck. My head leans back against the truck. “Does it feel like I’m lying?” I groan out.
He slowly traces my lower lips with one finger, around and over my clit. I know he can feel how wet I am, how helpless at his touch but I don’t care. “No.” He murmurs out slowly, kissing up my shoulder, my neck. “No, you're dripping wet. I’m glad.”
“Blade. More.” I whine.
He slides one long digit into me. “Like this?”
“Oh yes.” I groan, not caring how loud I am. “Yes, just like that.”
“Your head is just filled with dirty little thoughts of me, isn’t it?”
“Blade. I nee-”
“You two! GET INSIDE!” A man's voice over a loud speaker suddenly pierces the night, a light shining on us.
“Fuck!” Blade laughs, pulling out abruptly so my dress falls back down.
“Who is that?!” I gasp, adjusting myself as if we weren’t just caught in the middle of something.
“If I had to guess? Rooster, maybe Brick.” He adjusts himself, and backs into the light beam holding his middle finger high. That was inside me a second ago.
“Blade? Crazy fucker. I’d expect this from Flynn, Slip, maybe Knuckles. Not you." He laughs over the speaker.
"Get back to work, jerk off." Blade calls back. "Come on." He grins at me. "We'll take the back entrance."
"That sounded suspiciously like an innuendo." I snort, wobbly legs following him into his place.
He laughs. God how I love that sound.
The door behind us clicks and I pull him to me, mouth meeting his with a hunger I didn't know I had as his hands resume their previous task.

Blade POV

"Fuck." She murmurs, completely spent.
I slowly untie the heels that were draped over my shoulders just a minute ago, and tuck her into my bed.
"How you doin?" I chuckle. The taste of her still lingers on my lips. I'm going to get addicted to this, to her. I just know it.
"Can I just go to sleep?" She yawns and cuddles into me.
"Of course." Her makeup is still on. A little smudged as a result of our…activities but I remember how angry Mercedes used to get if I let her sleep without removing it.  "Do you want to remove your makeup first?" I unbutton my shirt the rest of the way, tossing it in the corner of the room.
"Nah." She snorts. "I don't really care about it enough to get up." Her fingertips trace the tattoos across my chest gently.
The differences between my ex and Dakota… I blow out a breath, rubbing my head. Get those thoughts out of your head. You care too much, too fast, Blade.
Her movements halt as she drifts off to sleep.
"Goodnight, Dakota." I kiss the top of her head.
She mumbles something incoherent and snuggles in closer.
Too much, too fast but I could care less.
They are my main supply of serotonin
That's all.

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