12. Unaffected

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"What do you think of this one?" I finally decide on the first outfit, and walk out to see Kasei panic-braiding her hair as she slips on her shoes. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" I chuckle.

"You look gorgeous, babe. I forgot I have barre today and I'm so late." She spits out, fastening her hair and zipping up her bag in a seemingly fluid motion.

"You didn't even look, but thanks." I chuckle, leaning over to the coffee table and grabbing her water bottle. "Is there anything else you need?"

She spins around and I toss it and the keys to her. "Nope that's it. Tell me every single detail when I get home, okay? I love you!"

The door slams shut behind her and I'm left in silence with my insecurities and the beep of the garage closing.

"Okay." I kiss my teeth, examining my outfit critically in the mirror. In this light, it's kinda see-through.

'Make sure all your buttons are done up, yeah?' his teasing voice rings through my head agian. 'Don't wanna make things too hard on me.'

"Stupid man thinks he can tell me what to wear and what to do." I huff to myself as I stomp back into my room. "Well screw that." I grab a button up top. "I'll have all the buttons undone and see how Mr. bossy likes that. Trying to tell me what to do."

The phone ringing distracts my grumpy mood, and I jump. "Where the heck did I put that thing?" I think my worst habit is how independent I am from my phone. Sometimes I'll go days on end without paying attention to my snapchat streaks or even important emails.

Just as it's about to go to voicemail, I grab it from off the counter in the kitchen.

"Hey Kase. What did you forget?" I frown when her melodious 'hi babe' rings through.

"Nothing, I just feel bad I wanted to know what you're wearing and I completely forgot about barre. I'm a bad multitasker."

"You can say that again." I laugh. "What time were you supposed to be there?"


"Oh my goodness. Is there even any point in going now?" I snort a laugh as I glance at the time. "It's 6:12."

"Yeah by the time I get there I will only have the last half hour, then Mother's dinner is at 7..." She drifts off. "I'm almost there though, I'm speeding a bit."


"If I get caught, I'll pay the next 3 tickets."

I chuckle to myself. "Just don't die, or hurt Audianna." I walk back to my room, holding the shirt up against my frame critically. "So I didn't get to tell you what Blade said to me after I agreed to the date."

I hear her gasp and then a horn honk loudly. "OOH WHAT?"

"Kasei drive freaking safe!" I huff.

"Gosh, babe you're turning into me. You say this whole thing isn't a big deal, so chill."

"Okay so basically after doing all the macho 'i'm telling you to go out with me' shit he said: 'oh and do up your buttons so you don't make things to hard on me.' Like what the hell?" I scoff.

"Aw, D." I can hear her smile, and I realize she probably isn't the best one to tell about that.

"Don't 'aw D' me. He's a misogynistic asshole. As if him being turned on by me is a compliment." I whip my hair out of my face.

"Ohhhkay so I guess we have different taste in men, cuz that shit makes me..."

"Yes I know. Everyone knows, blushy cheeks." I snort.

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